8 6 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 8 9 6 – 1 9 2 2 Vol. 1, 17a. From Marie Winteler and Pauline Winteler [Aarau, 8–29 April 1896] Marie hopes to see him in Zurich on his way back from Pavia and sends regards to Maja and Pauline Einstein. Pauline Winteler looks forward to seeing him and sends regards to his mother. ALF (SzBHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62835). [95 708]. Vol. 1, 18a. To Marie Winteler Pavia, Saturday [25 April 1896] Torn fragments of a love letter to his “angel.” AE can hardly wait to see her in a few days and play music together. Recounts a dream he has had about arriving in Aarau and en- tering the house. Sends greetings to Marie’s parents, also from Maja. ALSf (SzBHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62820). [95 693]. Vol. 1, 18b. To Marie Winteler [Pavia?,] Friday [before 29 April? 1896] Fragments of torn love letter with scattered legible single words. ALSf (SzBHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62830). [95 703]. Vol. 1, 18d. From Pauline Winteler Aarau, 29 July [1896] Understands well that AE had to leave to be with his mother. Her husband, Jost Winteler, was away for eight days in the Alps. Looks forward to seeing him again. ALSf. (Sz- BHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62837). [95 709]. Vol. 1, 29a. To Marie Winteler [Zurich?, November 1896] Thanks for her lovely letter with the charming lock of hair, hopes that she has received his letter, and sends a gift in return. AL (SzBHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62828). [95 702]. Vol. 1, 53a. To Pauline Winteler [Einsiedeln,] 22 August 1899 Regards to all. Maja Einstein is also sending a letter. AKS (SzBHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62808). [95 672]. Vol. 5, 62a. From Gustav Tobler [Bern,] 28 October [190]7 Informs AE that the philosophical faculty of the University of Bern has discussed his application for Habilitation at today’s meeting. As his required Habilitationsschrift was not included with his documents, the faculty could not deal with his petition. They will do so once he has submitted the Habilitationsschrift. (SzBeUU). [95 850]. Vol. 5, 213b. To Marie Winteler [Zurich, 21 July 1910] Envelope addressed “Fräulein Marie Winteler Oberwil bei Büren Kt. Bern.” and post- marked “Zürich Brf. Exp. 21.VII.10.–6” with return address “Adr. Physikalisches Insitut der Universität Rämistr.” and secondary postmark “Oberwil b/B 22 VII 10” (SzBHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62813). [95 682]. Vol. 5, 336a. To Stefan Meyer Prague, 8 January 1912 Thanks Meyer and the Chemisch-physikalische Gesellschaft for their invitation, but is overwhelmed with work and unable to give a lecture. ALS. [95 503]. Vol. 5, 507a. To Rosa Bandi-Winteler [Zurich, 22 January 1914] Her (not extant) letter has made a strong impression on him. Appreciates her being well- intentioned toward him, despite all that has happened, and hopes they will stay in touch. He is traveling to the Netherlands and Paris in April and hopes to visit her then. If the kite has not yet arrived, asks to be informed so he can check on it (presumably a gift for her children). ALS (SzBHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62816). [95 688]. Vol. 13, 154a. To Rosa Bandi-Winteler [Berlin, 20 April 1922] Regrets having been unable to visit them on his return trip from Paris. AKS (SzBHM, Nachlass Familie Winteler, 62817). [95 690].