I N D E X 1 0 5 1 PAW AE calls buffalo herd, 217 Leibniz Medal gold, AE recommends Whitney, 903a silver, AE recommends Seemann, 904a Lorentz, H. A., greetings on 50th doctor jubilee of, 895a Paschen, Friedrich, AE nominates as ordinary member of, 870a requests copy of Einstein 1919a, 1920c, 1921b, 940a Pechstein, Max, 361, 747n Peiser, Herbert, 803, 939a, 940a, 941a PEN Club congress, AE invited to join honorary committee of, 903a Perpetuum mobile, Jungnickel on, 910a Wolf Scheps on, 913a Perrier, Albert (1883–1962), 43 Perrin, Jean (1870–1942), 194, 195, 228n AE meets, 401n Persius, Lothar, 361 Persius, Thea, 361 Pestalozzi, Heinrich, Eduard Einstein’s poem on, 925a Petrograd, Einstein will not visit, xl Petzoldt, Joseph, 953a Pfund, Hermann, 899a Philadelphia Public Ledger solicits article Germany’s future, 894a solicits statement in support of Chaplin, 952a AE fulfills, 760, 761 Philips Glühlampenfabrik, solicits copy of Ein- stein 1924o, 1925f, 917a Photon angular momentum of, 422, 428–429, 430 in radiation field, 618–619 “rest color” of, 422–423 AE on, 429 Picard, Abbé Jean, 796, 797n Picard, Charles-Émile (1856–1941), 433 Piccard, Auguste (1884–1962), l, lxiii–lxvii experiment on effect of earth’s motion on light velocity, AE on, 749–751 experiments on “charged neutral” gas, 40, 41– 43, 671n AE on, 43, 57, 671 Wigand on, 874a Lecat, opinion on, 878a Michelson-Morley experiment, repeats with negative result, 699 Miller’s experiment, on repetition of, lxiii– lxvii, 130–131, 148, 149–153, 547–548, 888a, 892a, 910a, 922a, 926a, 928a, 947a AE on, 372, 438n Piccard and Kessler 1925, solicits opinion on, 878a as Professor Calculus in Tintin, lxvi Piccard, Jean, lxvi Piásudski, Józef, 741n Pinkus, Felix, 897a Pinner, Felix, 959a speaker at Keren Hayesod rally, 359n Piper Verlag, sends Buddha’s writings, 872a Piscator, Erwin, 361, 511n, 944a Planck, Max (1858–1947), lxxi, lxxxiii, lxxxiv, 161, 194, 195, 417, 418, 431, 432, 433, 449, 514, 564, 869a, 915a, 936a, 937a, 973 on AE’s experiment on the nature of light emis- sion, 426 AE on search for successor to, 815 Lorentz jubilee, cannot come, 201 solicits draft of congratulations of PAW for, 202 on, 214, 217 meeting with Marie Curie, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, 194 on opposition of German academicians to enter Conseil international de recherches, 431, 433 quantum theory of ideal gas of, AE on, 137– 138 Schrödinger on, 181–182 Reichenbach, on position for, 245, 317, 502, 899a Rupp’s experiments, doubts regarding, 508, 937a Schrödinger, admires wave mechanics of, 433 Schrödinger on, 442 statistical definition of entropy of, AE on, 317 Schrödinger on, 315 Plandrak, Paul, solicits endorsement of Lippow- itz’s endowment, 919a Poale Zion, solicits support for Verband der jü- dischen Arbeiterheime in Deutschland, 898a AE declines, 272 Pohl, Robert W. (1884–1976), Rupp as Assistent of, 451 Pohlhausen, Ernst, proposes Schottky as his suc- cessor, 909a AE endorses, 910a Poincaré, Henri (1854–1912), 621n, 634n, 896a on usefulness of astronomical knowledge, Eduard Einstein disagrees, 632 Poland, protest against white terror in, AE signs, 553–554
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