I N D E X 1 0 5 7 Klein on, 927a Langevin on, 603 Planck admires, 433, 442 Zaycoff on, 949a Schröter, Carl (1855–1939), 48 Schubert, Carl von, 119n Schubert, Franz, Maja Winteler-Einstein plays, 11 Schücking, Walther (1875–1935), 108, 393n, 934a on Bruns as director of Kaiser-Wilhelm-Insti- tut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht, 876a, 879a on Verband für europäischer Verständigung, 876a Schulman, Louis, offers Gadbury 1658, 948a Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart von (1864–1943), 298, 308 IIIC nominated as director of, 86 on representing Germany in, 888a supports keeping Eisler at, 907a Schumann, Robert (1810–1856) Einstein, Eduard likes, 334 played at inauguration of IIIC, 309n Schur, Issai, helps Graeser, 896a Schuster, Arthur, on gravitation as difference be- tween attraction and repulsion of elementary charges, 680 Schwann, Hans, 873a, 875a, 876a on Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte, pamphlets of, 875a Schwartz, 915a Schwarzschild solution, 487n, 696n Harzer on, 887a Schweitzer, D., sends financial support to Kow- no university courses, 893a Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, thanks for do- nation of reprints, 872a Schweydar, Wilhelm, 917a Scialoja, Vittorio, 309n Scientific terminology, AE on unification of, 876a Seares, Frederick H. (1877–1964), 653, 723 sends reprints on solar magnetic field, 943a Seger, Gerhart, solicits subsidy from IIIC for Schopenhauer Society, 945a Seiliger, D., 897a Selbstwehr, solicits contribution, 912a Seligman, Erwin, solicits message on promotion of human unity and understanding, 948a Senftle, Rudolf, reduced sentence for, Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte on, 920a thanks for interest in his case, 930a Serkin, Rudolf (1903–1991), 28 Serkin-Busch, Irene (1917–1998), 28n Seward, Albert C., invites AE to give Rouse Ball lecture at Cambridge, 890a AE declines, 891a Sexual research, first international congress on, AE requested to play part in Brahms sextet at, 930a Seydler, 780 Shaw, George B. (1856–1950), 530, 699 AE’s statement on 70th birthday of, 530 Einstein, Eduard likes, 334 Shemtob, Heskel Joseph, AE congratulates on achievements in developing Palestine, 869a Siblik, Emmanuel, author of Einstein 1926z, 624n, 940a Siebers, proposed for Orden pour le mérite, 929a Siemsen, Hans, 361 Sierstorpff, Hedwig-Berta von, on representation of China on ICIC and at IIIC, 933a Sieveking, Heinrich, 923a Silberstein, Ludwik (1872–1948) accepts Miller’s results, 52, 118n ether drag theory of, lxii, 118n AE disagrees, 54, 67 Silberstein, Zoya (1900–1990), 400, 914a Simons, A., 897a Simons, Walter, 923a Simpson, George C. (1878–1965), 417, 533 Singer, Kurt (1885–1944), invites AE to play part in Brahms’s sextet, 562, 930a Singularities, in the spacetime metric, xlvii Sirius companion, redshift observed, lxv, 875a Slater, John, Laue on Bohr-Kramers-Slater theory, 523 Slavik, Vladimir, 902a Slosson, Edwin (1865–1929), lxi, 53 on Miller’s experiment, 52 Smekal, Adolf, 873a Sociedad Matemática Española, solicits permis- sion to publish Einstein 1925g in Spanish, 889a Società Italiana delle Scienze, elects AE foreign member, 880a Society of Maccabaeans, 896a Soehring, Otto, 888a Sokolow, Nahum (1859–1936), 74, 890a