D O C U M E N T 1 3 J U N E 1 9 2 5 5 3 Permit me to assure you in conclusion of my great admiration for your achieve- ments and my interest in your work. Although I am no mathematician, I have tried to get some idea of the import of your theories and have even been so rash as to attempt to explain them to the public more ignorant even than I. My little book “Easy Lessons in Einstein”[11] has had a large sale in the United States and Eng- land, and Sir Oliver Lodge[12] was kind enough to commend it in one of the British reviews as the best popular exposition of the subject. Yours very truly, Edwin E. Slosson Director. TLS. [17 259]. The letter is written on letterhead “Science Service” and addressed “Professor Albert Einstein, Berlin C., Physikalisches Institut der Universität Reichstagsufer.” Administrative notes are omitted. [1]Slosson (1865–1929) was a journalist and director of Science Service. [2]Miller 1925a and 1925b. Miller (1866–1941) was Professor at the Rockefeller Laboratory of Physics at Case School of Applied Science. [3]See Michelson and Morley 1887. [4]Between 1902 and 1925, Miller repeated the Michelson-Morley experiment both at low and at high altitudes (in the basement of Case School, at Euclid Heights, 870 m, and on Mount Wilson, 1,740 m). See Lalli 2012 for a historical discussion of Miller’s experiments and the controversy they caused. [5]See Daily Service News Bulletin, no. 214C, p. 4. [6]Silberstein (1872–1948) was working for the Research Laboratory of Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY. [7]Silberstein 1925a. [8]Arthur S. Eddington (1882–1944) was Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, and director of its observatory. [9]The paper presented by George E. Hale (1861–1938), honorary director of Mount Wilson Obser- vatory, is Adams 1925. For a discussion of this paper, see Introduction, sec. V. [10]Michelson and Gale 1925. Albert Michelson (1852–1931) was Professor of Physics at the Uni- versity of Chicago. [11]Slosson 1920. [12]Lodge (1851–1940) was professor emeritus at Birmingham University. 13. To Edwin E. Slosson[1] [Berlin, between 26 June and 31 July 1925][2] […] If Dr. Miller’s results should be confirmed,[3] […] then the special relativity the- ory, and with the general theory in its present form, falls. Experiment is the su- preme judge. Only the equivalence of inertia and weight remain, which would lead to an essentially different theory. […]
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