1 0 5 8 I N D E X Solar apex, lxiii Solar counterglow, 883a, 930a Solar magnetic field, Seares sends reprints on, 943a Solar system, motion of, lxii Soloweitschik, Max, 622n Solvay Congress 1927 German participants in, AE on, 431, 452 Lorentz on, 418, 448–449 invited persons, 418–419 Millikan, AE on invitation to, 751 Lorentz on, 949a program of AE on, 431 AE proposes Schrödinger in place of him- self, Lorentz disagrees, 448 Lorentz on, 417, 418–419, 448 Solvay Institute, lxxii scientific committee of, AE accepts membership of, 431, 448 Sommerfeld, Adolf, donation to Bauhaus by, 885a Sommerfeld, Arnold (1868–1951), lxxxiv, 90, 114n, 133, 321 on aberration, 320 AE invited to lecture by, 551–552 AE de- clines, 563, 616, 646 on Bose-Einstein statistics, 321 on electron spin and general relativity, 552 magnetism week in Zurich, participates in, 510 praises Eddington 1920, 616 solicits opinion on a note, 875a on style of guest lectures, 616 successor of Planck, candidate for, 815 Soviet Union, ban of photography in, 927a Sovine, Henry, solicits financial help, 924a, AE on, 924a, 939a Space absolute, Bugge’s gyroscope experiment on, 881a, 893a AE on, 67–68 Miller on, 920a filled only with human thought, Bräuer on, 902a quantization of, Born on, 70 structure of, Golliard praises concept of, 885a Space and time, AE on, 256–266, 267–271 Spacetime coincidence, AE on absolute charac- ter of, 148 Spectral lines broadening of with gas pressure, 239 damping of, 273 AE on, 248 Ladenburg on, 239, 273 Spengler, Oswald, 530n Spinoza, Baruch, Fromer on, 956a Spitteler, Carl (1845–1924), Eduard Einstein likes, 334 Sponer, Hertha (1895–1968), 557 Spranger, Eduard, invites AE to international congress of philosophy, 896a Springer, Ferdinand, on German translator of Meyerson 1925 proposed by AE, 924a Stahel, Ernst (1896–1986), 151, 547, 947a Stahl, Leo, solicits signature on founding of Eu- ropäische Liga zum Schutz der Freiheit, 901a Statistisches Reichsamt, AE proposes Block for position at, 912a Staude, Hans J. (1904–1973), 95 Staude-Tippenhauer, Elsa (1875–1962), 95n Ste. Croix, Avril de, 904a Stein, Ludwig, 879a Steiner, Fritz (1878–?), 18 Steinhardt, Ogden (1882?–1965), 308 Steinhardt-Koch, Alice (1893–1975), 308 Steinhardt-Rosenberg, Alice, 911a Steinig, Leon AE recommends, to Thomas, 900a, 941a, 942a on Weltverband der jüdischen Studentern- schaft, 873a, 870a, 947a, 949a, 958a hopes for stipend from AE, 900a for position 949a, 959a on plight of academic workers in Europe, 942a, 949a, 958a solicits message to support French students, 949a Steinitz, Walter, solicits letter of support for bio- logical station in Palestine, 917a Stekloff, Vladimir, 917a Stellar aberration, invalidates ether drift, Eddington on, lxii Stenographen-Verband, invites AE to honorary committee, AE declines, 873a Stern, Alfred (1846–1936), 897a AE congratu- lates on 80th birthday of, 641 thanks, 943a Ansbacher, Julie, on, 935a Stern, Antonia (1891–1961), 641n Stern, Clara (1862–1933), 641n Stern, Dora (1882–1971), 641n Stern, Margarethe (1901–1947), 328n Stern, Otto, participates in magnetism week in Zurich, 511n Stern, Richard, 328n
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