9 3 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 6 536. From Rudolf A. Senftle Sonnenburg Strafanstalt, 11 July 1926 Writing from prison, thanks for AE’s interest in his case (see Abs. 444). Attended lec- tures on relativity. Requests publications on topic. ALS. [44 891]. 537. From Max von Laue Berlin, 12 July 1926 As deputy director of the KWIP, invites to a meeting on 22 July, after the PAW session, to discuss a letter from Schmidt-Ott, reproduced in full. The letter, which refers to infor- mation provided by Glum, pertains to the future employment of Karl Weissenberg, for whom no funding is currently available within the KWG. It is proposed that Weissenberg be employed at the KWIP as an assistant. This may improve the chances that the state and Reich government will approve a proper building for the KWIP. Having Weissen- berg in such a position would create connections to other KWG institutes. TL. [40 162]. 538. From Ligue Française pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen Paris, 12 July 1925 Circular letter. The organization has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace, and it requests AE’s support as well. TLS. [44 338]. 539. From Nicolas August Ludwig Jacob Johannsen Stapleton, NY, 15 July 1926 As a follow up of their earlier exchange (see Vol. 12, Calendar entry of 8 October 1921), requests again AE’s opinion on his brochure (most likely published later as Johannsen 1928) on replacing Newton’s gravitational attraction by a new force through an exten- sion of Laplace’s hypothesis of the development of the solar system from a rotating neb- ula, and on his machine that reproduces this mechanism. Offers 400 M as honorarium. ALS. [44 016]. Elsa Einstein apparently replied with a postcard on 1 August 1926 (see Johannsen to Elsa Einstein, 8 August 1926 [44 017], without comments from AE). 540. From Rudolf Lämmel Dornburg/Saale, 16 July 1926 Reminds of his zodiacal light question (see Abs. 118). TLS. [15 14]. 541. From Robert Eisler Paris, 20 July 1926 Has not heard anything from Karl Babcock. Has asked Julien Luchaire for a leave of ab- sence as of 30 October, and will thus be able to keep his title and tax-free status. Has lectured at the French Academy on Josephus’s nasty description of Jesus and has pub- lished about it in the Frankfurter Zeitung and the Neue Freie Presse (see Abs. 445). ALS. [43 626]. 542. From Kurt Singer Berlin, 20 July 1926 The first international congress on sexual research will take place in Berlin 11–15 Octo- ber 1926. It is the first congress after the war at which Germany is the chair. More than twenty nations will be represented, including England and Russia. The president, Albert Moll, has asked whether AE could participate in the artistic opening program in the Wandelhalle, and play one of the two violin parts in the first movement of Brahms’s Sex- tet Opus 18 in B flat major. TLS. [44 904]. 543. From Hugo Bergmann Bechyné bei Tabór (Czechoslovakia), 21 July 1926 Sends a memorandum on the necessity of commissioning and printing history, science, and other textbooks in Hebrew for the use of advanced high school or beginning univer- sity students [36 914]. Also sends quarterly report. Thanks for AE’s warm welcome in Berlin. ALS. [36 913].