I N D E X 6 4 3
Brentano, Franz (1838–1917), 261n
Breslauer, (?), 602c
Brillouin, Marcel (1854–1948), 303n
Broglie, Maurice de (1875–1960): 381; planned
lecture at Solvay meeting, 303
Brönnimann, Lydia, 541n
Brose, Henry (1890–1965), 256, 455
Brownian motion, 294
Brussels, xliv
Buchholz, Hugo (1866–1921): 357, 416, 453;
recommended by AE, 357; Wende on posi-
tion for, 453
Budapest, 482
Bull fight. See Cock fight
Bund “Neues Vaterland,” 36n, 433
Cailloux, Joseph (1863–1944), 408
Cajal, Santiago (1852–1934), invites AE to
Madrid, 583c, 587c
Calisse, G. L.: 378; proposed as Italian translator
of Einstein 1917a, 590c, 596c
Cambridge, inquiry whether Einstein would con-
sider a position at, xlix
Capillarity, 18
Cassel, Hans (1891–?), 484– 485
Cassirer, Ernst (1874–1945): 261, 265; on rela-
tivity and philosophy, 255–256; asks AE not
to leave Berlin, 387; expresses sympathy for
AE, 387; invites AE to stay in his home,
586c; manuscript of Cassirer 1921, AE’s
comments on, xlviii, 314–315, praised by
AE, xlviii, 293
Cauer, Minna (1841–1922): xxxix; expresses
sympathy for AE, 433
Causality: and initial values, 300, 307; and law
of inertia, 300, 307, 324, 391; and probabili-
ty, 161; principle of, 300, 306
Censorship, postal, in Germany, 82, 108
Central Organization for a Durable Peace: 36n;
AE’s commitments to, 53n
Chapiro, Joseph (1893–1962), expresses sympa-
thy for AE, 392–393
Chavan, Lucien (1868–1942): 15, 461; Hans Al-
bert Einstein practices French with, 343
Chavan-Perrin, Jeanne (1866–1958): 461; Hans
Albert Einstein practices French with, 343,
Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft in Vienna,
invites AE to lecture, 608c, accepted,
609c, 610c
Chicago Zionist Club, expresses sympathy for
AE, 534
Chisholm, Hugh, solicits article from AE for En-
cyclopaedia Britannica, 600c, 601c, 605c,
607c, declined, 609c
Chopin, Frédéric (1810–1849), 157
Christianity, early, AE on, 24
Chulanovsky, Vladimir (1889–1969), 418n,
465n, 469n, 472
Claudius, Matthias (1740–1815), 436n
Coal shortage: in Germany, 118; in Switzerland,
118, 138, 140
Cochet, Marie-Anne, sends her book to AE, 375
Cock fight, AE on his debate with Philipp Lenard
in Bad Nauheim as, 444
Coebergh, Joannes A. F. (1841–1922), curator of
AE’s Leyden professorship, xlv, 366
Cohn, Emil (1854–1944), 391
Colbjørnsen, Ole, 246n
Columbia University: Barnard Medal for AE,
571c, 575c, 576c, 584c, 591c; invites AE to
lecture, 442
Conservation of momentum, 290
Conventionalism, Schlick on Reichenbach, 455
Copenhagen, meeting with Bohr in, xlvii
Copernicus, Nicolaus, xxxviii
Coppel, Theodore, 569c, 575c
Corelli, Arcangelo (1653–1713), Sonata Nr. 5,
Cosmology: boundary conditions in, AE and Ed-
dington on, 365; closed universe, 68, 70,
ghost images of stars in, 477–478, 501, con-
ditions for, De Sitter on, 478, AE on, 342, De
Laer Kronig on, 600c, Petzoldt on, 332; cos-
mological constant, xlix, 69n, 371, 501, De
Sitter on, 501; non-closed universe of De Sit-
ter, 477–478; radius of universe, 70; size of
observable universe, 70; stability of Galaxy,
De Sitter on, 500–501; static, spatially sym-
metric solutions with degenerate boundary
conditions, 63. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT:
Cracow, 28
Cunow, Heinrich (1862–1936), 242
Curie, Marie (1867–1934), 303n, 328
Curie’s law, 356, 356n, 366, 369n, 404, 405n
Curti-Forrer, Eugen (1865–?), 231, 567c
Curtius, Friedrich (1851–1933), 155n