6 5 8 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): PERSONAL (cont.)
Besso, Michele, as embodiment of Bud-
dah, 326
Born, Hedwig: on style of, 280; recom-
mends experimental work to, 388
Born, Max: high appreciation of, 459;
looks forward to book by, 516; propos-
es he stay in Frankfurt, 460
Brandhuber, Camillus, visits with, 129,
130, 131, 133, 574c
Byk, Suse, photo by, 588c
Citizenship, 286, 495, 511, 600c, 602c
Dällenbach, Walter, on future of, 169
Debye, Peter, as gifted, 451
Ehrenfest, Anna and Tatiana, violins for,
267, 288–289, 353, 402, 456–457, 497
Ehrenfests: his affection for, 227; piano
for, 289
Ehrenhaft, Felix, qualifications of, 369
Einstein, Hans Albert, constructs airplane
with, 129, 132, 271
Einstein, Edith, helps with dissertation of,
129, 132
Einstein-Maric;;, Mileva: divorce from, 8–
10, 556c, 557c; certificate of marriage
to, 11n; resides in apartment of, 573c
Fabre, Lucien, willing to read paper by,
Family, Swiss, move to Germany: xxxi,
196, 201, 214, 234, 242, 281, 293, 306,
326, 339, 342, 345, postpones, 270
Father, on his, 94
Franck, James, praise for scientific
achievements of, 377
Freedom, for the individual, 358
Freundlich, Erwin, requests higher royal-
ties for, 390–391
Germany: decision to remain in, xxxi, 29,
154, 187, 202, 242, 306, 326, 329,
572c; efforts to keep him in, 154; on
possible financial necessity to leave,
496; social environment in, 326; on
suffering in, 496
Guillaume, Edouard, stupidity in dealing
with relativity, 449
Happiness, motto on, 565c
Health problems, 3, 15, 29, 90, 143, 154,
163, 227, 298, 329
on himself: 326, 352, 358, 364, 460, 468,
498, 607c; attachment to individuals,
not to country, 80; Bern, time in, 293;
Bolshevik, being thought of as, 306;
fame, li, 280, 293, 326, 339; impracti-
cality, 498; his "gypsy life," 270; liber-
ation from the merely personal, 51;
loneliness, in Zurich 329; has no new
subject to lecture on, 6; newspaper
reports, 266, 307, 326; Prague, time in,
222; prefers people with worries to sat-
isfied ones, 5; as sponger, 174; over-
burdened, 138, 264, 404, 457; over-
valued, 364; on his own writings, 330–
331, 402; youth, 69, 91n, 486, 492
History, on, 90
Hurwitz, Ida: condolences on death of
husband, 242; invites, 572c
Inherited characteristics, interest in, 505
Joël, Kurt, interview with, 589c
Karamazov Brothers, enjoys, 487, 498
Konen, Heinrich, qualifications of, 149
Literature, German, against propaganda
abroad for, 465
Lorentz, Hendrik A., comparisons of
teaching ability with, 355
Lorenz, Richard, as being confused, 281
Marriage: not allowed to remarry for two
years, 9; to Elsa Einstein, 82, 83, 568c
Moos, August, intercedes on behalf of,
Moszkowki, Alexander, visits with, 147
Mother: 93–94, 293, 339, 352, 402, 451,
572c; Berlin, moving to, 64, 219, 293,
298, 305; care of, xxx–xxxi; room for,
Mühsam, Hans, dedication to, 592c
Music: sends scores to Hans Albert Ein-
stein, 452, 495; with Ehrenfest, 218,
272; with Hans Albert Einstein, 129,
132; with Julius’s daughters, 272; new
violin, 486
Namesake, confusion with, 307n
Nephew, on his stuttering, 147, 575c
Nicolai, Georg, compassion for, 387
Oriental mentality, 326
Oppenheim-Errera, Felix, dedication to,
Planck, Max: congratulates for Nobel
prize, 239; condolences on daughter’s