5 8 4 C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9
to Minister of Education, 5 May 1920, GyBSa, I. HA, Rep.
76 Vc, Sekt. 1, Tit. 11, Teil 5c, Nr. 55, Bl. 43. [83 294].
November 26 1-page Tgm from Alexander W. Pflüger in Bonn. On behalf
of the participants of the Kollegium on theoretical physics at
the University of Bonn, expresses his best wishes on the
occasion of the victory of German science. Provenance:
IsJHU. [44 654].
The Prussian Constituent Assembly resolves to request that
the Prussian state cabinet, in agreement with the imperial
cabinet, should seek adequate funding for facilitating fur-
ther relativistic research in collaboration with other nations
as well as to support Einstein’s own research. Provenance:
GyBSa, I. HA, Rep. 76 Vc, Sekt. 1, Tit. 11, Teil 5c, Nr. 55,
Bl. 1. [83 281].
November 26–28 Participates in the festivities of the 500th anniversary of the
University of Rostock, where he receives an honorary doc-
torate from the medical faculty. Provenance: Berliner Tage-
blatt, EE, and Tägliche Rundschau, ME, both of
28 November 1919.
November 27 1-page ALS from Viggo Carling, journalist at the Copen-
hagen newspaper Politiken. Encloses an article from the
Politiken (presumably of 18 November 1919; see Doc. 253,
note 2). Would like to publish Einstein’s article that
appeared in The Times (London) (Einstein 1919f), and
invites him to Copenhagen for a lecture. Provenance:
IsJHU. [44 666].
Einstein officially invited by executive of Zionist Organisa-
tion to attend conference of Jewish scholars on the estab-
lishment of Hebrew University in Palestine, due to take
place in Basel on 14–16 January 1920.
November 28 “Time, Space, and Gravitation” (Vol. 7, Doc. 26) is
before November 29 Is invited to join the editorial board of the Mathematische
Annalen as editor responsible for physics.
November 29 or 30 Returns from Rostock.
November 30 Pays his respects to Max Planck, whose daughter had died.
Participates in a discussion of specialists on the economic
situation of Germany.