I N D E X 6 7 5
Mach, Ernst (1838–1916), Lampa’s book on,
Mach’s principle, xlii, 111, 233, 233n, 249n
Mache, Heinrich (1876–1954), 251–252, 393n,
Machula, 566c
Madelung, Erwin (1881–1972), 74–75, 463
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 323n
Magnes, Judah Leon (1877–1948), 198n
Magnetic gyroscopic effect, 7
Magnette, Charles, 55n
Magnus, Alfred: 568c; requests KWIP funds for
research on specific heat of solids at low tem-
perature, 557c, granted, 560c, 567c
Manifesto “To the Civilized World.” See Ap-
peals: “An die Kulturwelt”
Manifesto to the Europeans. See Appeals: “An
die Europäer”
Mann, Heinrich (1871–1950), 103n
Mann, Thomas (1875–1955): 392, 394; invites
AE to join editorial board of Das Odeon, 392;
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen, 396n;
political views of, 394
Marburg School of philosophy, 478
Maric;;, Zorka (?–1938), 214, 271n, 304n
Marriage certificate, 82
Marthe, J. J., 601c
Marx, August (1864–1934), 294n, 306, 340n
Marx, Erich (1874–1956), 349, 360–361
Maschinchen, 69n
Mass density: average in universe, 267; in five-
dimensional theory, 57n
Massart, Jean (1865–1925), xliii, 54
Mathematical calculations, funded by KWIP,
101, 560c
Mathematische Annalen: 259, 276; AE invited to
join editorial board, 317; contract with
Springer publishing house, signatories, 602c
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 76
Mauthner, Fritz, 558c
Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–1879), on radio-
meter effect, 48n, 49
Maxwellian velocity distribution, 571c
Mayer, Edmund, 103–104, 105n
Mechanics, and equipartition theorem, 290
Mecklenburg: monarchism in, 260; political cli-
mate in, AE on, 280
Mecklenburg, Duke Adolf Friedrich von, 280
Medicus, Fritz (1876–1956), 445, 449–450, 478,
483, 529
Meinhardt, Wilhelm (1872–1955), 147, 576c
Meissner, Janka, 48, 192
Meißner, Karl (1891–1959), 192
Meitner, Lise (1878–1968), 397
Melde, Franz (1873–1901), 127
Mendelism, 506
Mendelsohn, Erich, 614c
Mendelssohn & Co., 570c, 575c, 587c, 589c,
609c, 615c
Mendelssohn, Franz von, 108n
Mercury, for research on light emission of at-
oms, funded by KWIP, 561c
Mereschkowsky, Constantin von, requests AE’s
help to publish his book, 554c
Merritt, Ernest (1865–1945), 228
Metals, refractive index and absorption coeffi-
cient in IR region, research funded by KWIP,
Methuen publishing house. See Publishers
Mettler, Gino, xlviii
Meyer, Edgar (1879–1960): 4n, 8n, 17n, 50n,
148n, 152, 153n, 192, 214, 318n, 329, 344,
366, 367n, 377, 395–396, 458n, 529, 552c,
573c, 591c; as candidate for position at Uni-
versity of Tübingen, 366–367; as advocate of
Germany in Zurich, 367; helps Epstein get
position in Switzerland, 498; invites AE to
deliver course at University of Zurich, 300;
invites AE to stay with him, 381; on AE’s ar-
ticle in Times (London), 302; on appreciation
for AE in Zurich, 300; on Epstein, 8n; on full
professorship for AE at University of Zurich,
301; on scientific community in Zurich, 301;
proposes to invite AE to deliver course at
University of Zurich, 564c; repeats Ehren-
haft’s experiments, 7; requests AE’s opinion
on Epstein, Ratnowsky, Scherrer, Tank, 382
Meyer, Eduard (1855–1930): 350n, 425–426,
429; on charges against Nicolai, 384; on reg-
ulations of admission at University of Berlin,
425–426; on uproar at AE’s lecture at Uni-
versity of Berlin, 426–427
Meyer, Hans, 147, 575c
Meyer, Stefan (1872–1949), 251–252, 399
Michaëlis, Sophus (1865–1932), 351
Michelson–Morley experiment, 534