6 7 6 I N D E X
Microphotometer for redshift measurements,
funded by KWIP, 552c
Mie, Gustav (1868–1957): 88n, 97, 389n, 435n,
463, 532; asks AE’s opinion on Weyl, 97; in-
quires about research funds from KWIP, 98
Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873), 449
Milner, Samuel (1875–1958), 257
Minkowski, Hermann (1864–1909), 556c
Minkowski, Rudolf (1895–1976), 229
Mises, Richard von (1883–1953): 259, 318, 420,
601c; helps Kottler get position, 436; on equi-
partition theorem, 276, 290; on ergodic hy-
pothesis, 276
Missenharter, Hermann (1886–1962), 70n
Mittag-Leffler, Gösta (1846–1927), 308, 611c
Mittwoch, Eugen, 434n
Moch, Gaston, 614c, 616c
Mohrmann, Hans (1881–1941), 192
Molecular velocities, 571c
Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin (1622–1673),
51, 389n
Möller, (?), 596c
Mollusks, reference, in general relativity, 137n,
Mombert, Alfred, 558c
Moment of inertia of hydrogen molecule, AE on,
Monakow, Konstantin von (1853–1970), psy-
chological assessment of Nicolai, 484n
Monarchism, in Germany, 260, 280, 513
Monatomic gases, quantum theory of, 19
Monge, Gaspard (1746–1818), 333
Monism: 348n; and anticlericalism, 358; and
freedom for the individual, 358; popular view
of, 509
Moos, August, 224
Moos, I., 490n
Moos, Rudolf, AE on political trustworthiness
of, 12
Morgenroth, (?), 434n
Moszkowski, Alexander (1851–1934): 147, 477;
eye operation, 106
Mousson, Heinrich (1866–1944), 3n, 8n, 396n,
Muehlon, Wilhelm (1878–1944): 12n; political
trustworthiness, AE on, 12; against union of
Bavaria and Austria, 92; on political stabili-
zation in Germany, 12n; asked to sign war-
guilt resolution, 571c
Mühsam, Hans (1876–1957), AE dedication to,
Müller, Gustav (1851–1925): 14n, 177, 275n,
360n, 579c, 593c, 616c; alleged antipathy to-
ward general relativity, 157; manuscript on
inertia and gravitation, 573c; proposes posi-
tion for Freundlich, 274
Müller, Gustav, mayor of Bern, role in Wildbolz
affair, 162n
Müller, Hermann (1876–1931), 203n, 479n
Munich military tribunal, 70
Nathan, Paul (1857–1927), 169n, 269n, 492
National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 605c
Nationalism: AE against use of his work to in-
flame, 497; in academic appointments at Uni-
versity of Bonn, 150n
Natorp, Paul (1854–1924): xliv, 59, 60n, 94,
103n, 106, 107n; Aufruf des deutschen Gei-
stes zum Sozialismus, new version, 94–96,
AE endorses, 59; on radicalism of workers,
95; on violence, 95
Nature, AE’s article for, 252, 256, 299, 310, 328,
346, 374, 406, 523
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Hamburg, in-
vites AE to lecture, 607c
Naumann, Otto (1852–1925), xxxii
Neo-Kantianism: and general relativity, 204; at
University of Marburg, 478
Nernst theorem, and lowest quantum states, 467
Nernst, Walther (1864–1941): 27, 46n, 50n, 74,
125, 294n, 310n, 312, 350n, 360n, 438n,
472n, 488n, 590c, 593c, 604c; dismissed
from scientific committee of Institut interna-
tional de physique, 114, 121; proposes finan-
cial help of PAW to Physikalische Berichte,
580c; proposes raise of AE’s PAW salary,
580c; technical collaboration with AE, 293;
requests report from KWIP, 13
Nernst–Einstein process, 294n
Neue Freie Presse: 607c; requests article by AE,
Neustätter, Otto, 69n
Neutral matter, in five-dimensional theory, 68n
Newton, Isaac (1642–1727), xxxvi, 109, 213–
214, 245, 445, 597c
Newtonian gravity, overthrown by general rela-
tivity, 246
Nichols, Edward (1854–1937), 228
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