6 7 4 I N D E X
Light refraction, in solar atmosphere as cause of
light deflection: Emden on, 297, 309; Lorentz
on, 186, 309
Light velocity: in moving glass, Harzer on, 220;
in moving solids, Laue on, 207–209, 219–
220, 296; Zeeman on, 296
Lille booklet, first version: xliii; AE on, 162,
231; AE signs preface, 577c; in preparation,
135; on foreigners, 163; on French prisoner-
of-war camps, 185; problems with German
documents used, 164n; problems with intro-
duction, 164n
Lille booklet, second version: xliii; animosity to-
ward, 355; in press, 355; Lorentz approves,
421, 483; purpose, 422n
Lindemann, Adolf, invites AE to lecture in Ham-
burg, 607c, 616c
Lindemann, Adolf F. (1846–1931): 243, 245; on
observing light deflection by daytime pho-
tography, 244
Lindemann, Frederick A. (1886–1957): 244; de-
bates on eclipse expedition results, 474n
Lindemann, Rudolf, requests AE’s support for
Studentenvereinigung für künstlerische Kul-
tur an der Universität Berlin, 178–179, de-
clined, 184
Linz, Karl, 599c
Lipka, Joseph, 594c
Literature, scholarly, problem of obtaining in:
Austria, 45n, 485; Germany, 45n, 485, 514,
Lloyd George, David (1863–1945), 144n
Løchen, Arne (1850–1930), 532
Lodge, Oliver (1851–1940), congratulates AE,
Lorentz contraction, and rotating disk paradox,
136, 140
Lorentz transformation: 379; in optics, 208
Lorentz, Hendrik A. (1853–1928): xxx, xxxv,
xliii, 16, 42, 58n, 115n, 120, 134n, 145, 150,
164n, 183n, 183, 228, 231–232, 308, 320,
333, 334n, 349, 355, 390n, 393, 421, 422n,
457, 469, 471n, 482, 497, 499n, 501, 577c;
announces solar eclipse expedition results,
218, 580c; approves second version of Lille
booklet, 421, 483; condolences for Pauline
Einstein’s death, 481–482; congratulations
for Grebe and Bachem’s results, 482; con-
sults about German war crimes with French
and Belgian colleagues, 54; efforts on behalf
of Epstein, 470, 487; enjoys AE’s joke in
Times (London), 286; meets with Ernest
Solvay, 114; on AE’s inaugural lecture, 421;
on drag in a viscous fluid, 221; on refraction
as cause of light deflection, xxxvi, 186, 309;
on Planck’s intercession for Solvay, 216; on
private commission to investigate German
war crimes, 53–54, 57, 120; on relativistic
geodetic precession, 421–422; on revival of
Institut international de physique, 114; on
special professorship for AE in Leyden, 286,
320–321, 329, 362, 371, 421, 482; recom-
mends AE for Nobel prize, 418n, 597c; re-
quests AE’s public statement on ether, 353;
suspects instability in AE’s electron model,
264; telegram to AE on eclipse result, 167,
170, 229, 232, 577c, 578c; textbook on quan-
tum theory, 233, 248, 267, 287; worries about
AE’s health, 54, 182, 187; writes newspaper
article on eclipse results, 246
Lorentz, Johanna Wilhelmina (1889–1980), 121
Lorentz, Rudolf (1895–1977), 121
Lorentz-de Haas, Geetruida Luberta (1885–
1974), 121
Lorentz-Kaiser, Aletta (1858–1931), 54, 121,
233, 356
Lorenz, Richard (1863–1929), invites AE to lec-
ture at University of Frankfurt, 281
Lourie, Heinrich (1892–?), 192
Louvain (Belgium): 54; vandalization by Ger-
man Army, 113
Löwenthal, Elsa. See Einstein, Elsa
Luchsinger, Fridolin (1894–?), 152
Lüdeke, Oskar, 148n, 575c
Ludendorff, Erich von (1865–1937): 238n; AE
on, 85
Ludlam, Ernest B. (1879–1958): 369–370, 378,
390n, 408, 603c; as Quaker, 378n; on narrow-
mindedness of English scientists, 378
Lummer, Otto (1860–1925): 124, 338n, 574c,
593c; requests KWIP funds for acoustic re-
search, 127–128
Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 143
Luxemburg, Rosa (1871–1919): xliv, 17n, 34n,
384n, 389n, 488n, 550c, 551c; murder of, 5n;
commemoration in Zurich, 94n; funeral, 94n