9 5 6 I N D E X Maynés, Enric, 583n Meatzu, María de, 586n Mechanics as basis of all of physics, 454 incompatibility with electrodynamics, 457 statistical, contradiction with experiment, 461 Meillet, Antoine, 146n Meinhardt, Wilhelm (1872–1955), 202 Meir Masie, Aharon, 582n Meirowitz, Menashe (1860–1949), 580n Mejdal (Magdala), 561 Meldau, Heinrich (1866–1937), 343 Ménard-Dorian, Aline (1870–1941), 799a, 812a on help for François family, 801a invites AE, 195 Mendel, Bruno (1897–1959), 20 Mendel, Hertha (1899–1977), 20 Mendelssohn & Co., 792a, 816a, 817a administrative correspondence with KWIP, 794a, 802a, 803a, 809a, 810a, 814a, 829a Einstein-Spende, on contribution to, 816a, 817a, 819a, 825a Mercur Flugzeugbau GmbH, 256–257, 263 Mercury, and spectral lines, 424 Mercury perihelion anomalous advance, 857 as classical test, 884 Ehrenfest on AE’s explanation of, 28 and particle solutions, 74n Merkel, Julius, solicits contacts with German musical world, 785a Messina, 534 Metric field, 882 basis for general relativity, 706 desirability of physical cause for, 524 in Eddington’s theory, 706 Metric tensor covariant differentiation of, 661 non-vanishing of covariant derivative of in uni- fied theory, 667 Mexican government, invites AE to take part in eclipse expedition, 725, 829a Meyer, Edgar Michel (1907–1969), 465, 704 Meyer, Else (1884–1964), 704 Meyer, Manasseh (1846–1930), lix, 538–539, 555, 853 Meyerheim, Hugo, on accounting and relativity, 799a Meyers Konversationslexikon, AE’s biography for, 792a Meyerson, Émile (1859–1933), 847 on AE and Mach, 246–248 on difference between time and space coordi- nates, 244–246 Meysery, Potterat de, 797a Meyuchas, Joseph, 576n Michaelis, Leonor (1875–1949), 550 Michaelis, Sophus, 658n Michelson, Albert, 229, 862 measures stellar di- ameter, Epstein on, 379 Michelson-Morley experiment, xliii, 379, 636, 839, 862, 876 Poincaré on, 229–230 role in discovery of relativity theory, 626 Viscardini on, 794a Michonis conferences, 16, 145, 155–156, 161– 162, 182, 192 Mie, Gustav (1869–1957), xlvi, 332, 341, 785a Cartan on, 234 Becquerel on, 236 Mienius, M., 807a Migdal (Palestine), 560 Mikve Israel, 560 Milick, Maurice, 828a Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873), 247 Miller, Dayton C., xliv Millikan, Robert (1868–1953), 187, 195, 304, 316, 378, 724 AE, on being elected foreign associate of Na- tional Academy of Sciences, U. S., 314, 804a proposed in Committee on Intellectual Cooper- ation, 378 Mills, Eric, 580n Minister of Culture, invites AE into Kuratorium of Astrophysical Observatory, 792a Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on planned lecture tours in Spain and Japan, 798a Minkowski, Hermann, 703n, 863, 878 asym- metric expression of energy-momentum ten- sor, 701 Miral, Domingo, 587n Mises, Richard von, probability theory of, 297n Miyajima, 552 Miyake, Hayari (1866–1945), 532, 553, 563n, 831a hospitality and medical care of, 825a