1 0 1 2 I N D E X Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, Von Kármán helps building wind tunnel for, 550n Lorentz visits, 653, 671, 723 Michelson visits, 723 Millikan invites AE to, 943a AE declines, 50, 67, 101, 112, 127, 699 Epstein on, 80 Von Kármán visits, 549 Cambridge University, invites AE to lecture at, 890a AE declines, 891a Campbell, William (1862–1938), invites AE to lecture at University of California at Berke- ley, 81 Capital punishment, in Weimar republic, lxxii Carathéodory, Constantin, 290n on gift for 50th birthday of Blumenthal, 935a Carbe, Martin, 960a Carl Heymanns Publishing House, solicits re- view of Volkelt 1925, 879a Carl Zeiss Co., lxvii, 873a, 875a Carlheim-Gyllensköl, V., 881a Carnap, Rudolf (1891–1970), Schlick on, 246, 332 Carnegie Peace Foundation, 905a, 906a, 928a, 933a Carreras Ltd, possible sponsor of biological sta- tion in Palestine, Steinitz on, 917a Carter, James, charged with blasphemy for teaching relativity, 954a AE on, 776 Carus, M., 960a Carvalho, Anselmo Ferraz de (1878–1955), 535n Carvalho-Brandao, António de (1878–1937), 533 Casares, Julio, proposed as member of ICIC, 927a Casella, Alfredo, 922a Cassirer, Ernst, 923a, 955a AE solicits help in finding position for Koigen from, 910a Koigen thanks, 910a proposed as member of BOGHU, 907a Castro, Aloísio de, 871a Causality, lxxxv absent in matrix mechanics, AE on, 485 Mie on, 447 statistical conception of, AE against, 387 Re- ichenbach against, 398 Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens, Blumenfeld on, 906a Centro-cultural Israelita “Albert Einstein,” Zapala, Argentina, established in AE’s honor, 883a Chajes, Hirsch, 873a, 882a, 907a Chandler, Harry (1864–1944), 79 Chang Peh Chung, sends circular of Kuo Min Tang to Reichstag members, 904a Chaplin, Charlie (1889–1977), lx statement in support of, AE signs, 760, 761 Lorsy on, 952a Charge density of atmosphere, AE on, 57 Pic- card on, 57 Wigand on, 57 Chavan, Lucien (1868–1942), Eduard Einstein rooms with, 522 Chechic, Carlos, 883a Chemical elements, origin of, AE asked for letter on, 872a Chicherin, Georgy (1872–1936), 139 discussion with AE on Ginzburg library, 895a Chladni, Ernst, investigates of musical instru- ments, 887a Chopin, Frédéric (1810–1849), Einstein, Eduard, likes, 334 on playing, 488 Cippico, Antonio, 904a Citron, Julius (1878–1952), 206, 887a on AE as speaker at inaugural meeting of Hebrew Uni- versity, 889a Claparède-Spir, Hélène, 904a, 907a Clausius, Rudolf, 934a Club de Engenharen, Rio de Janeiro, AE honor- ary member of, 879a, 894a AE thanks, 903a Kohn on, 894a Cohen, David, 897a Cohen, Ernest J. (1869–1944), 132, 140, 141 Cohen, Hermann, 955a Cohn, Emil (1854–1944), on Miller’s experi- ment, lxii, 118 Cohn, Markus, 897a Colliard, Paul, on Colliard 1925 as criticizing AE’s work, 885a Columbia University invites AE, 588