I N D E X 1 0 1 3 position for Reichenbach at, 913a Comité de Défense des Victimes du Fascisme et de la Terreur Blanche, 738, 739, 740, 802n Commissione per i Congressi Scientifici, 931a, 938a Committee in Aid of Intellectuals in Central Eu- rope, solicits signed reprints or written state- ments for auction, 918a Committee on International Cooperation in Ger- many, AE on founding of, 960a Compton, Arthur H. (1892–1962), lxxiii, lxxxv, 70, 236, 418, 422, 424n, 575, 643, 973 AE nominates for Nobel Prize in Physics, 236 proposed lecture at 1927 Solvay Congress by, 418 Compulsory military service, AE signs manifes- to against, lxxii, 567–568 Conference of the Association of Special Librar- ies and Information Bureaus, report of De Vos van Steenwijk on, 936a Conrad, Viktor, invites AE to revive Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik, 917a, 919a Conseil d’administration de la Fondation “Pour la Science,” minutes of constitutive meeting of, Tolédano sends, 920a Conseil international de recherches, lxxii, 419n, 713n, 918a assembly of extraordinary meeting of, Lorentz on prepa- ration of, 417, 448 selection of German participants, AE on, 431, 432 Lorentz proposes admission of German and Austrian scientists, 69n, 113n, 161 excludes German academies, AE on, 714 Scheel on, 713 German opponents to join, AE on, 430, 432 Planck on, 431, 433 Continuum and discreteness, Besso on, 44 Coolers absorption refrigerator, 803 Bamag-Meguin Co., AE cooperation with, 638a–640a, 803, 939a, 940a, 941a patent applications absorption refrigerator, 803 cooler with capillary pump, 934a, 957a cooler with steam jet, 957a without moving parts, 798, 957a Coolidge, Calvin (1872–1933), lxxiii AE signs appeal to for liberation of Sacco and Vanzetti, 801–802 Copley, Sir Godfrey (1653–1709), 183n Copley Medal, awarded to AE, xli, 183, 895a, 896a Cosmological constant, xliii, xciii Coss, John J., invites AE to international con- gress of philosophy, 896a Coster, Dirk (1889–1950), 337, 498 AE on, 339 on excellent laboratory of Ornstein, 131–132 Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count Richard von, 393n invites AE to Paneuropean Congress, 959a Courant, Richard (1888–1972), 73n, 282 Rie- mann centenary, celebrations postponed, 909a invites AE to lecture at, 909a Courant-Runge Nina (1891–1991), 71 Courvoisier, Leopold (1873–1955) on absolute motion, 893a Courvoisier 1926, sends manuscript of, 218, 893a, 895a Wade on, 932a Cowen, Joseph, 75n Crevenna, Bolongaro, 895a Croiset, Maurice, 918a Curie-Skáodowska, Marie (1867–1934), 86, 113n, 194, 228n, 298, 309n, 310, 313, 363, 373, 401n, 408, 417, 533, 534, 537, 883a, 910a, 914a, 929a AE meets with, 401n on employment of Mantoux as deputy director of IIIC, 940a guest at Lorentz jubilee, 194 on ICIC members, 309n proposes Langevin as AE’s representative in Conseil d’administration of IIIC, 904a Curtius, Ludwig, 907a Cylinder condition. See Five-dimensional theory, cylinder condition in Daladier, Édouard, 309n, 904a Dällenbach, Walter (1892–1990), research com- pany of, Zangger on, 222 Damme, Felix, 88 Darmstadt-Stern, Emma (1885–1978), 641n Dautert, Karl, on portrait plaque of AE, 955a Davidsohn, Georg, 897a