I N D E X 1 0 1 1 invites Miller, 480 Bragg, William L. (1890–1971), 418 proposed lecture at 1927 Solvay Congress by, 418 Brahe, Tycho, 784, 796 Brahms, Johannes, Sextet Op. 18 in B flat major, AE invited to play part in, xci, 562, 930a Brandeis, Louis, member of Rosenbloom advi- sory committee, 914a Brandus’scher Verlag, on Zeller’s book, 913a, 916a Brasch, Frederick, on AE’s appreciation of Newcomb, 961a Bräuer, Ernst, on space filled only with human thought, 902a Braun, Otto (poet), Eduard Einstein on book by, 632 Braun, Otto (politician) (1872–1955), 119n AE signs petition for pardon of two life sen- tences, 746–747 Braun, Samuel, solicits recommendation or fore- word to his book, 920a Bredig, Georg (1868–1944), 22 Brentano, Lujo, 530n Briand, Aristide, 299n, 401n, 621n Brillouin, Léon (1889–1969), 228n, 418 on re- flexion and refraction of photons, AE on, 350, 354 Brillouin, Marcel, 869a Brinitzer, Albert, invites AE to join honorary board of publishing house, 888a Brith Shalom, lxxvii Brockmann, M., on Gumbel, recommendation to, 871a AE provides, 872a assists with po- sition in Chile, 872a Brod, Max, 146n, 554, 638n Brodetsky, Selig (1888–1954), 819 Weizmann proposes as rector of Hebrew University, 824, 825 Broglie, Louis de (1892–1987), 40n, 182, 217n, 418, 431, 442, 477, 786, 806, 912a Born on, 70 proposed lecture at 1927 Solvay Congress by, 418 wave-like properties of matter, lxxxii–lxxxiv AE on, 410, 429 Langevin on, 603 Zaycoff on, 949a Brown-Boveri Co., 222 Brunn, Albert von Berlin City solicits opinion on, 934a AE pro- vides, 934a solicits recommendation for Rockefeller fel- lowship, 929a Tisdale on, 934a Bruns, Viktor, directorship of Kaiser-Wilhelm- Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht, Schücking opposes, 876a, 879a Brunschvicg, Leon, 309n Brunschwig, Armand, 897a Buber, Martin, proposed as member of BOGHU, 907a Büchner, Georg, 145 Buddha’s writings, German translation of, AE cannot judge literary value of, 872a Bugge, Mogens (1877–1965), gyroscope experi- ment on absolute space, 67–68, 881a, 893a Burdon-Sanderson Haldane, Mary E., AE con- gratulates on 100th birthday of, 873a death of, 873a Burger, Herman C. (1893–1965), 124, 132, 134 assuccessor of Ornstein,AEagainst,127,147 Ehrenfest against, 124, 131–133, 140–143 Burgers, Johannes (1895–1981), 132 Burns, George, offers wager against Miller, 904a Busch, Adolf (1891–1952) concert of, AE apologizes for not attending, 28 Margot Einstein attends, 28 praises Levin’s violins, 887a Busch-Grüters, Frieda (1891–1946), 28n Busch-Staub, Franz, sells mortgage commit- ment, AE on, 410, 435 Zangger on, 409, 912a Butler, Nicolas M., 906a Byk, Suse, picture of AE by, for R. Tagore, 933a Byland, Hans (1878–1949), 18 Cabrera, Blas (1878–1945), participates in mag- netism week in Zurich, 510 Calamatianos, S., on mistake in the theory of propagation of sound, 917a Calculus, Professor Cuthbert, immortalizes charac- ter of A. Piccard, lxvi Caldonazzo, Bruto, solicits opinion on relativity papers in, and a review paper for Scientia, 907a AE declines, 908a California Institute of Technology, lxi AE intends to visit, 80 Lorentz on, 80 Mil- likan on, 81–82