1 0 1 4 I N D E X Death penalty, AE in favor of, lxxii, 462, 724–725 Debussy, Claude (1862–1918), Eduard Einstein plays, 292 Debye, Peter (1884–1966), 181, 216, 236, 418, 973 AE calls virtuoso in science, 126 temperature lowering by demagnetization, AE on, 731 Dechamps, Éduard, 934a Deedes,Wyndham, member of Rosenbloom ad- visory committee, 914a Delbrück, Hans (1848–1929), AE on, 121 Delbrück, Max (1906–1981), 121 Delcambre, Émile (1871–1951), 373, 401n, 533 on his proposal for an International Bureau of Meteorology, 910a Der Schild, solicits support and subscription, 956a AE declines, 791 Deri, Max, 953a Descartes, René, 238n, 722, 726, 784, 797n Deslandres, Henri (1853–1948), 418 Destrée, Jules (1863–1936), 543 Deutsche Buch-Einkaufs-Gemeinschaft AE impressed by their books, 881a, 891a solicits contribution, 878a solicits opinion on their program, 902a Deutsche Buchgenossenschaft, invites AE to be- come honorary member of board of Der neue Geist, 926a AE accepts, 928a Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft, on relationship with Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte, 875a Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte, xl, 362n, 624, 872a, 876a AE calls leadership oxen, 218 against reelec- tion to membership in, 272 appeal against miscarriages of justice, 948a Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft, on relationship with, 875a event on terror in the Balkans, asks AE to chair, 962a invites AE to annual meeting, 897a pamphlets of, Schwann on distribution of, 875a petition for Wandt, AE refuses to sign, 218 Senftle, informs AE of reduced detention of, 920a statement on effects of gas warfare, solicits sig- nature for, 874a Deutsche Studentenschaft, Amerika Werkstu- denten-Dienst, hopes to collaborate with AE, 897a Deutscher Alpenverein Berlin, invites AE to lec- ture, 879a Deutscher Verband für europäischer Verständi- gung, AE signs appeal for foundation of, 389–393 Deutscher Verband Technisch-wissenschaft- licher Vereine, 884a Deutscher Verband zur Förderung der Universi- tät Jerusalem, 206n invites AE in management of, 887a solicits signature on a fundraising appeal, 897a on report, 889a Deutsches Komitee “Pro Palästina,” lxxx Becker joins, 952a Deutsches Landes-Comité für die Enzyklopädie des Judentums, on the Enzyklopädie, 908a Deutsches Museum, AE unable to attend annual meeting of, 959a Deutsch-Russische Gesellschaft “Kultur und Technik,” sends writings by S. Lewitin, 884a Dietz, David, solicits opinion on Miller’s exper- iments, 896a Dirac, Paul (1902–1984), lxxxiv, 563, 570, 644, 645, 727, 806 balancing between genius and madness, AE on, 566 Ehrenfest’s opinion on, 821 theory of, AE admires but far from reality, 563 AE does not understand, 575 Disintegration of atoms, Firmbach on, 962a Dizengoff, Meir, 880a Döblin, Alfred, 146n, 332n, 496 Dolléans, Édouard (1877–1954), 780n Don Quixote, favorite reading of AE, 911a Maja Winteler-Einstein reads, 911a Donath, Arthur, on AE reading Donath 1920, 919a Doppler shift, Rupp on, 928a Dörrenberg, Otto, on gas spectroscopy, 934a Doumergue, Gaston, 309n Dovin, E., on tonal scale, 947a Drei Masken Publishing House, 878a Dreyfus, Armand, 897a Dreyfus-Brodski, Jules, 897a Driesch, Hans (1867–1941), 380 Drummond, Eric (1876–1951), 309n, 662n Duane, William (1872–1935), 70
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