D O C U M E N T 2 3 8 M A R C H 1 9 2 6 4 0 1 [6]Painlevé arranged for Einstein to meet with Émile Borel, Jean Perrin, Paul Langevin, and Marie Curie at the Ministry of War. He invited Einstein to listen to an afternoon concert probably given by Mirko Bjelinski-Waisz (1867–1939), a Croatian cellist, to be attended by writers, Zionists, and others (see Abs. 386). [7]Einstein had given a lecture to the Association France-Palestine during his previous visit to Paris in January, most of whose leading members were non-Jews (see Doc. 169, note 9). Ernest Bloch (1880–1959) was a Swiss-born American composer. [8]Painlevé became minister of war under prime minister Aristide Briand in November 1925. [9]Federigo Enriques (1881–1946) was Professor of Projective and Descriptive Geometry at the University of Bologna. [10]At the sixth session of the ICIC held in Geneva in July 1925, a subcommittee consisting of Ein- stein, Lorentz, and Curie had been established to consider how the ICIC could assist in the establish- ment of an International Bureau of Meteorology. The subcommittee was to meet with a group of experts to discuss a draft prepared by General Émile Delcambre, director of the French Meteorolog- ical Service (see League 1926c, pp. 57–58). Georges Oprescu had invited Einstein to the meetings on behalf of Lorentz in Abs. 371. [11]Possibly by Hugo A. Krüss (see Abs. 788). [12]The Austrian national committee of the ICIC had raised objections to Robert Eisler’s recent appointment as assistant director of the Universities Liaison Office of the IIIC following the revela- tion that he had been convicted in Italy of theft in 1907 (see Abs. 307 and Abs. 320, and Protokolle 1907, p. 1012). The Rockefeller Foundation in New York. 238. To Peter Bennett[1] [Berlin, ca. 31 March 1926] [2] Ich danke Ihnen von Herzen für die grosse Auszeichnung, die Sie mir verliehen haben.[3] Allerdings kann ich diese nur dadurch verdient haben, dass ich philoso- phische Arbeiten ¢niemals geschrieben² zu schreiben unterlassen habe ¢aber ist nicht auch Selbsterkenntnis hoher² auch dies ¢verdient² kann unter Umständen An- erkennung ¢würdig² verdienen. Mit ausgezeichneter Hochachtung Ihr dankbar ergebener A. E. So bin ich also dafür belohnt worden dass ich philosophische Abhandlungen nie- mals geschrieben habe. Hätte ich es gethan, so hätten meine[4] ADftS. [30 218]. Written at the bottom of Abs. 387. [1]Bennett (1856–1936) was secretary of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Professor of Physics and Natural Philosophy at Anderson’s College of Medicine, and lecturer in mathematics and librarian at the Royal Technical College. [2]Dated by Einstein’s return to Berlin from Paris (see Doc. 237). [3]For his election as an honorary member of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, see Abs. 387. For the diploma, see [65 041.1]. [4]This postscript is written in a different ink.