I N D E X 6 8 1
Relativity, special theory of: motion of electrons
as confirmation of, 354; rigidity in, 473
Relief and Works Agency for Palestine, 193
Relief work: in Austria, British, 311; in Ger-
many, American, 253n, 387, British, 387,
Quaker, 253n
Revenge idea in Germany, AE on, 121, 135
Rey Pastor, Julio (1888–1962): 614c; invites AE
to lecture in Spain, 527; proposes Spanish
edition of AE’s popular book on relativity,
Rey, Abel (1873–1940), on French edition of
AE’s scientific papers, 411
Reynolds, Osborne (1842–1912), on radiometer,
48n, 50
Richter, Ernst von (1862–1935), on Nicolai, 475
Ridder, Carel J. de, 415
Riehl, Alois (1844–1924): 204, 350n; co-author
of Manifesto “An die Kulturwelt,” 122n
Riemann, Bernhard (1826–1866), 235
Riess, Carl (1875–1929), 347
Righi, Augusto (1850–1920), 114
Right-wing press, attacks on Nicolai, 384
Rigidity: in general relativity, AE on, 140; Nord-
ström on, 474n; Silberstein on, 473–474; in
special relativity, 473
Riots, in Zurich, 94n
Robert College, Istanbul, 213n
Roethe, Gustav, 515n
Rolland, Romain (1866–1944): 134n, 164n, 322,
323n; and relief for postwar Poland, 204; au-
thor of “Un Appel: Fière Declaration d’Intel-
lectuels,” 102, 564c, 570c, 575c
Röntgen, Wilhelm (1845–1923), 217
Rosenau. See Clinic Rosenau
Rosenberg, H., requests KWIP funds for astro-
phyical measurements, 557c, rejected, 561c
Rosenberg, I., 567c
Rosenblüth, Felix (1887–1978), meets with AE,
Rosenthal-Schneider, Ilse (1891–1990): xl, 155,
204n, 256, 281n; book on Kant and relativity,
Rosenzweig, Franz (1886–1929), 168n
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de (1845–1934),
Rothschild, Lord Lionel W. (1868–1937), 255n
Rotszajn, Sophie (1873–?), 192
Rotten, Elisabeth (1882–1964), xliv, 34n, 43n,
71, 185, 231, 422n
Rouvière, Jeanne, 537n, 602c, 604c, 606c, 609c
Rowland, Henry A., xxxvii, 324
Royal Astronomical Society: 158n; joint meet-
ing with Royal Society, xxxv, 232, 243, 351;
meeting on 1919 solar eclipse expedition,
138n; on Gold Medal for AE, 369–370, 378,
387, 401, 408, 582c, 588c, 595c, 600c, 605c
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,
AE corresponding member of, 598c, 610c,
611c, 612c
Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, AE elected
corresponding member of, 613c
Royal Prussian Observatory, Neubabelsberg,
Royal Society, joint meeting with Royal Astro-
nomical Society, xxxv, 232, 243, 351
Rubakin, Nicolai (1862–1946), 576c
Rubens, Heinrich (1865–1922): 65n, 74, 127,
149, 150n, 228n, 310n, 360n, 488n, 590c,
593c; dismissed from scientific committee of
Institut international de physique, 115n; nom-
inates Sommerfeld and Debye to PAW, 410;
proposes financial help of PAW to Physikali-
sche Berichte, 580c; proposes raise of AE’s
salary, 580c; research on radiation formula,
funded by KWIP, 571c, 576c; Wednesday
colloquium, xlix, 228, 279n
Rubinowicz, Adalbert, 218n
Rubner, Max, 350n, 582c, 589c
Rüchardt, Eduard (1888–1962), 60
Ruppin, Arthur (1876–1943), 197, 223n
Russell, Charles H., 12n
Russia: blockade of, 203n, 205, 205n, AE on,
202; postwar conditions, 202, 204–205; in-
stability and violence, 35–36; Red Army,
military successes in Poland, 389n
Rutherford, Ernest (1871–1937), pleased about
eclipse results, 236, 238n
Salamander-Schuhgesellschaft mbH, 13n
San Remo Peace Conference: 197n; negotiations
on British mandate in Palestine, 365n
Sannig & Co., 462, 595c
Sauerwein, Wilhelm, 261n
Savic;;, Helene (1871–1943), 4n, 91n, 271n, 496n
Sazyma, W., 601c
Schaefer, Clemens (1878–1968): 127, 149n,
150n; AE on, 149