D O C U M E N T 1 3 2 O C T O B E R 1 9 1 9 1 9 3
discussion of the eclipse expeditions and the establishment and announcement of their results, see the
Introduction, sec. III.
[2]In addition to Meyer, the postcard is signed by the following participants in the colloquium:
Simon Ratnowsky (1884–1945), Privatdozent in physics at the University of Zurich; Georg (György)
Pólya (1887–1985), Privatdozent in mathematics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH);
Richard Bär; Paul Epstein; Peter Debye; G[?] Iring, W[?] Steidler, Karl W. Meißner (1891–1959),
Assistent and Privatdozent in physics at the University of Zurich; Johann (Jan) V. von Weyssenhoff
(1889–1972), Assistent in physics at the ETH; Alexander Weinstein (1897–?), a student of mathemat-
ics and physics at the University of Zurich; Janusch Libert-Weinstein (?); Edith Einstein; Janka
Meissner; Arnold Libert (1887–?), Alfred Kleiner’s doctoral student; Mieczyslaw W. Wolfke (1883–
1947), Privatdozent in theoretical and experimental physics at the University of Zurich; Alfred Hart-
mann (1891–?), an alumnus of the University of Zurich; Hans Brändli (1897–?), a second-year stu-
dent in mathematics at the University of Zurich; Eugen Stoll, Meyer’s doctoral student (see Meyer to
Paul Epstein, 6 January 1922, CPIT Epstein Papers, file 5.60); Heinrich Zangger; Sophie Rotszajn
(1873–?), Ratnowsky’s doctoral student; Heinrich Lourie (1892–?), doctoral student of Israel Lif-
schitz; Hermann Weyl; Ernst F. Zermelo (1871–1953), Professor of Mathematics at the University of
Zurich until 1916, when he resigned due to poor health; and Hans Mohrmann (1881–1941), Professor
of Mathematics at the University of Basel.
132. From Relief and Works Agency for Palestine[1]
[Berlin, 13 October 1919]
Hochgeehrter Herr Professor!
Herr Hermann Struck teilt uns
dass Sie sich ihm gegenüber bereiterklärt
haben, den Aufruf für die Aktion für den Palästina-Aufbaufonds zu unterzeich-
Indem wir mit bestem Dank von Ihrer Zusage Kenntnis nehmen, erlauben
wir uns, Ihnen den Aufruf zur gefl. Einsichtnahme zu unterbreiten.
Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung sehr ergebenst
Hilfswerk für Palästina
TLC (IsJCZA/F4/18). [86 057].
[1]The “Relief and Works Agency for Palestine” (“Hilfswerk für Palästina”) was another name for
the “Palestine Foundation Fund” (“Palästina-Aufbaufonds”; see note 3).
[2]Struck (1876–1944), a graphic artist and one of the founders of the Orthodox-Zionist Misrachi
Party in Germany. He was one of the first to introduce Einstein to Zionism (see Vol. 7, the editorial
note, “Einstein and the Jewish Question,” p. 229). An etching by Struck, “From a Jewish Colony”
(“Aus einer jüdischen Kolonie”), appeared on the cover of the printed version of the appeal mentioned
in note 3.
[3]The appeal “Für den Aufbau des jüdischen Palästina” (IsJCZA/L12/102/1) called on German
Jewry to participate in the planned public funding for creating an infrastructure in Palestine. The
printed version of the appeal includes a long list of committee members, including many prominent
German Jewish figures, among them Einstein (for a typed draft of the appeal with textual variants, see
IsJCZA/F4/18). The goal of the appeal for the Palestine Foundation Fund (which was established for-
mally as the Keren Hayesod in July 1920) was 30 million German marks in 1919.
[4]Most likely Julius Berger (1863–1948), who was the secretary of the Central Office of the Zion-
ist Organisation in Berlin. The transcript of this letter in Kurt Blumenfeld’s papers ascribes the signa-
ture to “B(erger)” (IsJCZA/A222/165).