3 7 8 D O C U M E N T S 2 7 9 , 2 8 0 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0
[6]Meyer was director of the Physics Institute, which had been severely depleted over recent years
through the departures of Einstein, Max von Laue, and Peter Debye (see Heinrich Zangger to Ein-
stein, before 11 August 1918 [Vol. 8, Doc. 598], note 3).
279. From Ernest B. Ludlam
Cambridge 32 Storey’s Way 23. 1. 20.
Dear Prof. Einstein
I arrived in London yesterday and I called on Prof. Eddington to-day. I was hor-
rified to hear that the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society had changed its
decision about the medal. That accounts for the fact that you had not heard of the
award when I called on
I find it difficult to believe that English men of sci-
ence can really be so narrow-minded. I think one of the chief difficulties is that sci-
entific men work so hard, and have so much to read, that they have not time to study
the real facts in international affairs and accept too easily the opinions of the com-
mon press. Your visit to England may be postponed, but I hope not for very long,
and it is more evident than ever that there is need of every effort to overcome these
foolish and narrow-minded
It is some comfort to me to feel, under these circumstances, that your world wide
reputation places you in a position to view the action of the Astronomical Society
with indifference and with the contempt it deserves, perhaps, when you consider
the campaign of lies which has lasted for five years—in all countries—you will not
judge these poor islanders too harshly.
Yours very truly
E. B. Ludlam.
ALS. [9 266]. Written on letterhead: “Emergency Committee for the Assistance of Germans, Austri-
ans, and Hungarians in Distress, Convened by the Religious Society of Friends to aid innocent ‘alien
enemies’ in Great Britain rendered destitute by the war.”
[1]The Society had accepted the nomination of Einstein but rejected the decision to award him its
Gold Medal, as explained by Arthur S. Eddington (see Doc. 271).
[2]Ludlam, a Quaker and a pacifist, shared Eddington’s disapproval of efforts to isolate German
280. From Edouard Guillaume[1]
Berne, Dittlingerweg, 12, den 25. I. 1920
Lieber Einstein!
Ich brauche Ihnen nicht zu sagen, welche Freude mir die experimentelle Bestä-
tigung Ihrer schönen Theorie bereitet
Daß ich Ihre Theorie sehr hoch schätze