6 8 0 I N D E X
Rademacher, Hans Adolph, 434n
Radiation formula, research funded by KWIP,
561c, 571c, 576c
Radiation of charged sphere rotating around a
gravitational source, 97
Radiation studies, funded by KWIP, 569c
Radiation theory, Kottler on, 373–374
Radicalism, Paul Natorp on, 95
Radiometer: 47–50, 398; Westphal on, 48n,
175–176; research on theory of, funded by
KWIP, 560c, 568c
Radtke, Otto: 566c; remuneration by KWIP,
562c, 598c, 602c
Rappard, William (1883–1958): 205n; and relief
for postwar Poland, 204
Rat geistiger Arbeiter, Breslau, on Aufruf für die
Unabhängigkeit des Geistes, 105–106
Rathenau, Walther (1867–1922): 60n, 350n;
dedicates book to AE, 556c
Ratnowsky, Simon (1884–1945): 192, 382, 405;
financial situation, 344; position at Univer-
sity of Zurich, 381–382, 458n
Rau, (?), serves in Bürgerwehr, 60
Rausch von Traubenberg, Heinrich (1880–
1944): experiments with homogeneous cath-
ode rays, 356; requests AE’s help to obtain
position, 291–292
Rebholz, Ludwig G., 607c, 608c
Red giant stars, distribution in globular clusters,
Redshift, general: of star light, calculations for
globular clusters, 278–279; distinction be-
tween Doppler effect and Einstein effect,
336; of solar spectral lines: xxxvii, 37, 330,
355, 401, explained by anomalous dispersion
by solar atmosphere, xxxvii, 267, 272, 287,
470; caused by Doppler effect, xxxvii–
xxxviii, 330; explained by Earth’s repulsion
of light, xxxviii, 287
Redshift, gravitational: xxxvii–xxxviii, xxxix–
xl; as test of general relativity, 236, 244; ex-
plained in terms of equivalence principle,
304–305; half-shift prediction of, 32; Guil-
laume on, 380; of star light, xxxix, 25–27,
295, 447; of solar spectral lines: xxxix, 27,
37, 86–87, 112, 295, 328, 330–332, 342, 346,
353, 355, 385, 401, 419, 457, 478–479, 482,
498, criticism of negative findings, 324, 355,
401, negative findings, xxxviii, 87, 112, 244,
355, 478–479, 498; as result of compensating
effects, 112
Redshift measurements: by Grebe and Bachem,
335; difficulties, 262; funded by KWIP,
561c, 564c, 591c; spectral oven for, 118, 157,
177, 335, 447
Reference mollusks, in general relativity, 137n,
Refrigerator, AE and Nernst work on, 294n
Regener, Erich (1881–1955): 291, 569c; re-
quests KWIP funds for measurements of ele-
mentary electric charge, 558c, granted, 560c,
Reiche, Fritz (1883–1969), 75
Reichenbach, Hans (1891–1953): 132; on Kant
and general relativity, 510
Reichsbank, monopoly for foreign currency,
Reichstag, and Deutscher Schutzbund für die
Grenz- und Auslandsdeutschen, 350
Reicke, Georg, Berlin mayor, 122n
Reininghaus, Fritz, 261n, 583c
Reis, Erna and Karl, 603c
Reissner, Hans (1874–1967), lectures on Weyl’s
theory, 453
Relativity: AE on further development, 457; and
monism, 509; and philosophy of Als-Ob,
493; British interest in as means of reconcili-
ation, 436; historical development of, 247,
267; layman’s reaction to, 103–104; public
opinion in England, 444–445
Relativity, general theory of: and Kant, 510; and
neo-Kantianism, 204; and overdetermination
of classical variables, 498; Born lectures on,
255, 386; energy-momentum conservation,
582c; Euclidean solution of vacuum field
equations, 393n, 403n; funding of experi-
mental tests of, 583c; observational tests of,
xxxi–xlii; radiation of charged sphere rotat-
ing around gravitational source, 97; reference
mollusks in, 137n, 140n; research funded by
Prussian state, 274, 584c; reservations of
Potsdam astronomers toward, 157, 158; ri-
gidity, concept of in, 140, 474n; rigidity, con-
cept of treatment missing, Silberstein on,
473–474; rotating disk paradox, 115–116,
140; Schwarzschild solution, 110; Weyl’s
path to, AE on, 80; without gravitational red-
shift, Larmor on, 244
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