6 8 2 I N D E X
Schäfer, Wilhelm (1868–1952), 94, 323n
Schaffhausen Cantonal School, 129n
Scheel, Karl (1866–1936), 14, 20, 27, 297, 297n,
309, 344n, 571c
Scheidemann, Philipp (1865–1939), 28
Scherrer, Paul (1890–1969): 24n, 75, 382, 405;
leaves University of Göttingen, 434; recom-
mended to University of Zurich, 487
Schiff, Jacob (1847–1920): 13n; AE on political
trustworthiness of, 11
Schläfli, Ludwig (1814–1895), 41
Schleich, Carl Ludwig (1859–1922), 392, 394
Schlesinger, Erich, 43n, 422n
Schleusner, Thea (1879–1964), portrait of AE
by, 342
Schlick, Blanche (1881–1964), 261n, 313
Schlick, Moritz (1882–1936): 51, 75, 76n, 115,
234n, 239, 280, 328, 374, 449–450, 451,
471n, 483, 510; aspires to position at Univer-
sity of Zurich, 445–446, 477–478, 483, 529;
Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre, Born on, 204;
Raum und Zeit in der gegenwärtigen Physik,
140, 530, English edition of, 320, AE for
higher royalties for, 346, 390–391, 528, re-
quests AE’s comments on, 313; debate with
Drill, 282n, 313; jubilee of University of Ro-
stock, 198–199, 203, 216n, 580c; invites AE
and Planck to stay in his home, 198–199; on
Dingler’s book, 529; on Holst’s paper, 529;
on results of AE’s calculations regarding star
clusters, 314; on uproar in AE’s lectures, 478
Schlubach, Heinrich, AE on political trustwor-
thiness of, 11
Schlubach, Thiemer & Co. (Hamburg), 13n
Schmidt und Haensch company, 124, 337
Schmidt, Adolf (1860–1944), 102, 134
Schmidt, Heinrich, 348n
Schmidt, Raymund (1890–?), 494
Schmidt, Robert, 148n
Schmidtbonn, Wilhelm, 323n
Schmidt-Ott, Friedrich (1860–1956): 279n,
602c, 603c, 605c, 608c; elected member of
board of trustees of KWIP, 583c; new presi-
dent of KWIP board of trustees, 600c
Schmitt, 605c
Schmückle, Georg (1880–1948), 70n
Schneider, Ilse. See Rosenthal-Schneider, Ilse
Scholz, Heinrich (1884–1956), 76n
Schottky, Walter (1886–1976): 30n, 75, 467; on
weights of quantum states, 467
Schouten, Jan A. (1883–1971): 16; on relativistic
geodetic precession, 258n, 421, 483
Schrödinger, Erwin (1887–1961): 75, 399, 463;
AE on, 298
Schubert-Soldern, Richard von (1852–1935),
518–519, 522n
Schuh, Friedrich: 580c; requests KWIP funds for
geophysical instruments, 579c, rejected, 581c
Schuhfabrik Jakob Sigle & Cie, 13n
Schüller, Hermann (1893–1948), 299
Schumacher, Hermann, 350n
Schur, Isay, 434n
Schuster, (?), 434n
Schwaben, AE’s roots in, 70
Schwäbischer Bund, 69
Schwamberger, Emil (1882–1955), 490, 607c
Schwarzschild solution, and Mach’s principle,
Schwarzschild, Karl (1873–1916), xxxii, xxxviii,
37–38, 86, 112n, 274, 330, 355, 401
Schwarzschild–Debye maximum in light pres-
sure, 398
Schweidler, Egon (1873–1948), 393n, 399, 413
Schweizerischer Bund für Reformen der Ueber-
gangszeit: 99n, 159–160; goals, 190n
Schweydar, Wilhelm (1877–1959), 191, 192n,
Seddig, R. J. W., company, 21
Seelig, Carl (1894–1962): 6n; and Die zwölf
Bücher, 321–322, 323n, 331
Seeliger, Hugo von (1847–1926), 296
Seeliger, Rudolf (1886–1920): 569c; as possible
successor of Lampa, 77; requests KWIP
funds for air pump for research on light emis-
sion of atoms, 589c, pending, 615c; requests
KWIP funds for mercury for research on light
emission of atoms, 556c, 562c, granted, 561c,
Seemann, Hugo (1884–1974): 30, 563c, 564c;
asks AE for assistance, 60; curriculum vitae,
21–22; on bremsstrahlung, 22–23; on polar-
ization of X-rays, 22, 61; rejects offer of po-
sition from Physikalisch-Technische Reichs-
anstalt, 60; requests KWIP funds for stipend,
21, rejected 562c; requests KWIP funds for
X-ray spectroscopy, granted, 560c, 562c
Seiler, Ulrich (1872–1928), 271
Sellien, Ewald (1893–?), 155, 204, 576c