D O C U M E N T S 2 5 1 , 2 5 2 M A Y 1 9 2 4 2 4 7
251. To Elsa Einstein
[Kiel,] Wednesday [21 May
Dear Else,
I wrote to Mr. Doktorovitz and read the two printed notices about
of them are all that important. But it’s not going to be easy. Considering the popu-
larity of us Jews, the prospects are dismal. And we are divided among ourselves.
So it’s difficult to build anything. I left the formation of the committee to Mr. D.,
but naturally upheld my readiness to join.
sent me a very nice card, which
I ask you please to store in the upper drawer of my desk. (I’d better take it along
with me myself.) Today I am going to see Helene Katz
so that she
doesn’t get angry. The literature arrived and I have already studied
8 days from
today I’ll be presenting a talk about it in Berlin. All is going well here, except the
weather, which is atrocious and
Every day I turn around to check whether
I haven’t grown a fish-tail yet. I had been smoking quite a bit again, but stopped.
Yesterday evening Prof. Kossel was
I am glad to be able to foster some
things at the factory.
is a fine companion, very nice to live with. It’s just
too good a living.—
So, this afternoon I met with the Fabians. That man is very overstressed at his
But they do give the impression of being very cozy. While in town I had the
peculiar idea to send you fresh sprats because I saw that they are sold here a lot. I
hope they arrive in good shape.
Best regards to you together with Margot and the
from your
252. To Ilse Kayser-Einstein and Rudolf Kayser
[Kiel,] Wednesday [21 May
Dear Ilse and dear Rudi!
I have the urge to send you also a direct greeting from my hermitage, for once.
It’s so nice here that I could almost envy myself for it. I’m inhabiting an entire floor
by myself. Nobody besides me is here other than sometimes a huge tom cat, who
also mainly determines the smell in my room, as I am not able to compete success-
fully with him in that respect. Now this idyll will soon be over, though, because I
have to go preach in Berlin next
Poor Ilse, rich in love but poor in
appetite and strength! From
I hear that you are thoroughly croaking as
never before. Shame on you and do better! When I come back, I’d like to take a
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