D O C U M E N T S 1 7 1 , 1 7 2 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 6 9
171. To Max Planck
[Leyden,] 6 December 1923
Dear Colleague,
Your amicable letter to Ehrenfest pleased me very much
For a while al-
ready, there has no longer been any reason to keep up this actually quite cheerful
I just still have to deliver a few lectures for the students and settle a small
official matter in
then I shall be coming home again, in about 14
days. As a sign of life, I am sending you herewith a paper for the proceedings
What is set forth there is surely more a wish than its fulfill-
ment. But it involves a matter whose formal mastery surpasses my mathematical
abilities. In my opinion, it nevertheless cannot be denied that this constitutes a log-
ical possibility for real insight into the nature of quantum processes.
Please present this paper at the next meeting. I can then read the correction
proofs later in Berlin. Cordial greetings to you, sincerely yours,
A. Einstein.
172. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
Munich, 6 Leopold Street, 6 December 1923
Dear esteemed Professor Einstein,
I have been back in Munich for 3 days now, after having been industrious up
there in Kiel for almost 7 weeks. It is a pleasure for me to be able to report to you
about the transmission results of the oxide tube: it is as if the good Lord had spe-
cially made this tube (through the Siemens & H[alske] factory) for the transmission
problem; an almost unlimited lifespan because the filament glows very
Alternating-current heating of the filament, direct-current tension not above 220
volts, probably also feasible at 110 volts, phase shift of the reversed current through
the tube by exactly 90°, hence elimination of the capacitors, and finally and at last,
a precision in transmission now of ca. 0.05° with a loaded reversing motor, barely
measurable with an unloaded one.
You will be pleased when you see this work. I rigorously tortured the apparatus,
this time on a very much raised swing, and obtained quite welcome results; unfor-
tunately, I now had to leave because the Housing Office is bullying me again.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T S 1 7 1 , 1 7 2 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 6 9
171. To Max Planck
[Leyden,] 6 December 1923
Dear Colleague,
Your amicable letter to Ehrenfest pleased me very much
For a while al-
ready, there has no longer been any reason to keep up this actually quite cheerful
I just still have to deliver a few lectures for the students and settle a small
official matter in
then I shall be coming home again, in about 14
days. As a sign of life, I am sending you herewith a paper for the proceedings
What is set forth there is surely more a wish than its fulfill-
ment. But it involves a matter whose formal mastery surpasses my mathematical
abilities. In my opinion, it nevertheless cannot be denied that this constitutes a log-
ical possibility for real insight into the nature of quantum processes.
Please present this paper at the next meeting. I can then read the correction
proofs later in Berlin. Cordial greetings to you, sincerely yours,
A. Einstein.
172. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe
Munich, 6 Leopold Street, 6 December 1923
Dear esteemed Professor Einstein,
I have been back in Munich for 3 days now, after having been industrious up
there in Kiel for almost 7 weeks. It is a pleasure for me to be able to report to you
about the transmission results of the oxide tube: it is as if the good Lord had spe-
cially made this tube (through the Siemens & H[alske] factory) for the transmission
problem; an almost unlimited lifespan because the filament glows very
Alternating-current heating of the filament, direct-current tension not above 220
volts, probably also feasible at 110 volts, phase shift of the reversed current through
the tube by exactly 90°, hence elimination of the capacitors, and finally and at last,
a precision in transmission now of ca. 0.05° with a loaded reversing motor, barely
measurable with an unloaded one.
You will be pleased when you see this work. I rigorously tortured the apparatus,
this time on a very much raised swing, and obtained quite welcome results; unfor-
tunately, I now had to leave because the Housing Office is bullying me again.

