3 8 4 D O C U M E N T S 3 8 6 , 3 8 8 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 4
386. To Paul Ehrenfest
[Berlin,] 2 December 1924
Dear Ehrenfest,
You’re a dear fellow to have such good intentions toward me and be so consid-
erate. But the 2.75 mg of Debye’s type also still have to believe in it, and right off,
I’ll explain it to you when we see each other again. I do still have 2 mg
compensation, so the expenditure isn’t as terrible as it looks.
The business with the quantum gas is becoming very
It seems
more and more to me that a great deal of truth and profundity lies behind it. I’m
looking forward to being able to—quarrel with you about it.
Best regards to all of you, yours,
A. E.
Prof. Frank (the
was here to see me today and promised me a letter
from someone at the Russian Red Cross which will supposedly suggest that a cer-
tain portion of our sum (2,000 m[arks]) be given to 3 people (he is one of the 3). I
have to wait for the letter. That is why I have not as yet written to the
would otherwise be the case in accordance with your
387. From George Bernard Shaw
10 Adelphi Terrace, London W. C. 2,
Dec. 1924
[See documentary edition for English text.]
388. From Maja Winteler-Einstein
Colonnata (Florence), 4 December [1924]
Dear Albert and dear Elsa,
We’re living in a dream, because we still can’t believe it that our dearest wish
should suddenly be
It is so lovely of Albert to have thought of rescuing
us so generously out of our precarious situation. We would have been overjoyed
even if he had just wanted to take out a mortgage on that amount or if anyone had
just lent us the missing 350 francs interest that would have broken our necks now.
For spring we’ll be getting lodgers, you know, and then with time we would have
been able to think about paying it off. In any case, the interest would have been easy
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