D O C U M E N T 1 2 1 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 1 7
mensely impressed by it, but most of all by Duisberg, who devoted the whole day
to us and with whom I became more closely acquainted on this occasion. Zangger
was also
I was really pleased to see him. In addition, I made the acquain-
tance of a very interesting young civil servant of the French occupation authority,
I’ll tell you about that later. I don’t yet know exactly when I’m going
to Leyden, perhaps the day after tomorrow. Frank is now probably coming to
I’m very happy for him. I hope you are feeling as you would wish, despite
the general troubles. I am also enclosing a note that I ask Margot to please take im-
mediately to Rose Thesing for
Heartfelt greetings to all of you from your
121. To Betty Neumann
Bonn, 21 September 1923
Dear Betty,
I was enormously pleased with your chatter about the heavens, trees, your criti-
Particularly that the heavens wanted the latter’s striv-
ings to succeed. Your letter arrived just in time before my departure to Bonn. The
physicists’ congress here was very interesting; I also put in a word during the
I’m being treated like a holy man, even though I actually don’t feel
at all comfortable in that costume. The Lower Rhine is wonderful despite the
gloomy sky, the threatening dollar level, and the
The day after to-
morrow I’ll be traveling to Holland to my friend Ehrenfest in Leyden (Witte
Roozen St.) to stay there until Oct. 10th. I’m getting a letter from Betty there. In
Kiel it really was very nice with my athletic
but something was missing
nonetheless… We went out into the open sea with our sailing vessel among brisk
waves. That’s a wonderful thing. It looks quite critical back at home now, like be-
fore the thunderstorm. One feels something approaching with giant steps and
doesn’t quite know what. Your letter again came at the same time as one from Un-
isn’t that funny?
isn’t well; they don’t actually know what’s
wrong with her at all. I’m very afraid that she won’t marry before you but one
is permitted to hope, and that’s what I’m doing, if you allow it.
Warm regards to all of you, for now, from your
A. Einstein.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 1 2 1 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 1 7
mensely impressed by it, but most of all by Duisberg, who devoted the whole day
to us and with whom I became more closely acquainted on this occasion. Zangger
was also
I was really pleased to see him. In addition, I made the acquain-
tance of a very interesting young civil servant of the French occupation authority,
I’ll tell you about that later. I don’t yet know exactly when I’m going
to Leyden, perhaps the day after tomorrow. Frank is now probably coming to
I’m very happy for him. I hope you are feeling as you would wish, despite
the general troubles. I am also enclosing a note that I ask Margot to please take im-
mediately to Rose Thesing for
Heartfelt greetings to all of you from your
121. To Betty Neumann
Bonn, 21 September 1923
Dear Betty,
I was enormously pleased with your chatter about the heavens, trees, your criti-
Particularly that the heavens wanted the latter’s striv-
ings to succeed. Your letter arrived just in time before my departure to Bonn. The
physicists’ congress here was very interesting; I also put in a word during the
I’m being treated like a holy man, even though I actually don’t feel
at all comfortable in that costume. The Lower Rhine is wonderful despite the
gloomy sky, the threatening dollar level, and the
The day after to-
morrow I’ll be traveling to Holland to my friend Ehrenfest in Leyden (Witte
Roozen St.) to stay there until Oct. 10th. I’m getting a letter from Betty there. In
Kiel it really was very nice with my athletic
but something was missing
nonetheless… We went out into the open sea with our sailing vessel among brisk
waves. That’s a wonderful thing. It looks quite critical back at home now, like be-
fore the thunderstorm. One feels something approaching with giant steps and
doesn’t quite know what. Your letter again came at the same time as one from Un-
isn’t that funny?
isn’t well; they don’t actually know what’s
wrong with her at all. I’m very afraid that she won’t marry before you but one
is permitted to hope, and that’s what I’m doing, if you allow it.
Warm regards to all of you, for now, from your
A. Einstein.

