D O C U M E N T 2 8 M A Y 1 9 2 3 3 3
4 days ago, which has meanwhile been followed by a series of others. The occur-
rence of the first colic attack was temporally linked with acute gastritis; the latter
can be regarded as quite over with, whereas the cramp attacks in the belly unfortu-
nately continued on until today, although weaker. Presently it is not yet established
with certainty in which organ the colic attacks take place; Rosenheim blames the
Katzenstein the large
I the gall ¢bladder² bile ducts. Much
less can be said specifically about the source triggering the cramps. Because they
often occur around the period of menstruation, also this time again, the possibility
exists that the causa movens sits in the genitals and the cramps are produced by re-
flex from there in a distant organ. After the menstruation has taken its course, the
four of us (Rosenheim, Katzenstein,
and I) would like to speak with
the patient, discuss all apparent possibilities, agree on one hypothesis, and on that
basis draw up a remedial plan, i.e., a preventive plan so that the poor girl, who really
is suffering terribly, is spared from such attacks in the future.—
Hoping that you will return well refreshed, I am, with best regards, yours,
Do please give the enclosed letter to Prof. Ehrenfest.
28. To Carl Seelig
Berlin, 16 May 1923
Esteemed Mr. Seelig,
Thank you for the kind offer in your letter of the 9th of this
That article
in the Vossische
was addressed to German industrialists and major busi-
ness people, who certainly are in a position to support this country’s institutions ad-
equately, despite the present critical situation. I do not regard the present and future
circumstances in Switzerland so bright that I consider it justified to collect funding
in Switzerland for German institutions. Under no condition could I offer my name
in support of such an enterprise.It would be much better to endeavor to help worthy
scholars working within Switzerland under dire conditions to earn tolerable liveli-
hoods. I know many such scholars.
In cordial appreciation of your kind intentions, yours,
A. Einstein.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 2 8 M A Y 1 9 2 3 3 3
4 days ago, which has meanwhile been followed by a series of others. The occur-
rence of the first colic attack was temporally linked with acute gastritis; the latter
can be regarded as quite over with, whereas the cramp attacks in the belly unfortu-
nately continued on until today, although weaker. Presently it is not yet established
with certainty in which organ the colic attacks take place; Rosenheim blames the
Katzenstein the large
I the gall ¢bladder² bile ducts. Much
less can be said specifically about the source triggering the cramps. Because they
often occur around the period of menstruation, also this time again, the possibility
exists that the causa movens sits in the genitals and the cramps are produced by re-
flex from there in a distant organ. After the menstruation has taken its course, the
four of us (Rosenheim, Katzenstein,
and I) would like to speak with
the patient, discuss all apparent possibilities, agree on one hypothesis, and on that
basis draw up a remedial plan, i.e., a preventive plan so that the poor girl, who really
is suffering terribly, is spared from such attacks in the future.—
Hoping that you will return well refreshed, I am, with best regards, yours,
Do please give the enclosed letter to Prof. Ehrenfest.
28. To Carl Seelig
Berlin, 16 May 1923
Esteemed Mr. Seelig,
Thank you for the kind offer in your letter of the 9th of this
That article
in the Vossische
was addressed to German industrialists and major busi-
ness people, who certainly are in a position to support this country’s institutions ad-
equately, despite the present critical situation. I do not regard the present and future
circumstances in Switzerland so bright that I consider it justified to collect funding
in Switzerland for German institutions. Under no condition could I offer my name
in support of such an enterprise.It would be much better to endeavor to help worthy
scholars working within Switzerland under dire conditions to earn tolerable liveli-
hoods. I know many such scholars.
In cordial appreciation of your kind intentions, yours,
A. Einstein.

