3 8 D O C U M E N T 3 5 M A Y 1 9 2 3
become a moral center but will not be able to take in a large proportion of the Jew-
ish people. On the other hand, though, I am convinced that the colonization will
I’m glad that your voyage was so successful. I hope there’ll be occasion
one day to chat about that at
Send the business with G[authier] V[illars] to
Mr. Kuno
Lealtad Street, Madrid, and take one-tenth of it for your-
self in
I don’t have Nordmann’s
therefore I’m also sending
the correction proof back to you. The criticism made against it is unfortunately very
justified. He should improve
Give him my kind regards. I resigned from a
League of Nations committee because I don’t have any trust in this institution
That brought me quite some odium, but I am glad I did it anyway. One
should stay away from disingenuous enterprises, even when they have a pretty
name. Bergson made serious blunders in his book about the theory of rel.; God will
Cordial regards from your
A. Einstein.
35. From Otto Blumenthal[1]
[Aachen, 22 May 1923]
Dear Mr. Einstein,
While looking through your “Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity”
for the new edition of the Relativity
we came across a passage where,
for factual precision, the manner of expression gives cause for objections, which
have already been advanced from another
It concerns the invariant for
the volume (p. 96 of the 4th
where an invariance belonging to the inte-
gral is attributed to the individual element. The representation of this matter by my
assistant, a specialist in multi-dimensional geometry, on the recto of this
seems to me to be wholly clear. I now ask you please to be so kind as to indicate to
me whether and in what way you would like to alter the passage. The omissions
suggested by my assistant are typographically
You could ¢proba-
bly² perhaps establish the correct meaning with a brief side remark, by referring to
the peculiar integral symbol of the first edition, which was afterwards omitted as
Please send me your answer very quickly.
Best regards, yours,
O. Blumenthal.
the documentary edition for remarks on verso of this
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

3 8 D O C U M E N T 3 5 M A Y 1 9 2 3
become a moral center but will not be able to take in a large proportion of the Jew-
ish people. On the other hand, though, I am convinced that the colonization will
I’m glad that your voyage was so successful. I hope there’ll be occasion
one day to chat about that at
Send the business with G[authier] V[illars] to
Mr. Kuno
Lealtad Street, Madrid, and take one-tenth of it for your-
self in
I don’t have Nordmann’s
therefore I’m also sending
the correction proof back to you. The criticism made against it is unfortunately very
justified. He should improve
Give him my kind regards. I resigned from a
League of Nations committee because I don’t have any trust in this institution
That brought me quite some odium, but I am glad I did it anyway. One
should stay away from disingenuous enterprises, even when they have a pretty
name. Bergson made serious blunders in his book about the theory of rel.; God will
Cordial regards from your
A. Einstein.
35. From Otto Blumenthal[1]
[Aachen, 22 May 1923]
Dear Mr. Einstein,
While looking through your “Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity”
for the new edition of the Relativity
we came across a passage where,
for factual precision, the manner of expression gives cause for objections, which
have already been advanced from another
It concerns the invariant for
the volume (p. 96 of the 4th
where an invariance belonging to the inte-
gral is attributed to the individual element. The representation of this matter by my
assistant, a specialist in multi-dimensional geometry, on the recto of this
seems to me to be wholly clear. I now ask you please to be so kind as to indicate to
me whether and in what way you would like to alter the passage. The omissions
suggested by my assistant are typographically
You could ¢proba-
bly² perhaps establish the correct meaning with a brief side remark, by referring to
the peculiar integral symbol of the first edition, which was afterwards omitted as
Please send me your answer very quickly.
Best regards, yours,
O. Blumenthal.
the documentary edition for remarks on verso of this

