D O C U M E N T 3 3 8 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4 3 4 1
2) Financial aid to (13) students of the “Union of Jewish Student Associations in
800 marks
3) For (23) teaching faculty at the “Russian Scientific Institute in
6,800 marks
4) For Russian students in Holland 200 Dutch guilders.
We request that the Secretariat see to it that each of these four entries be remitted
by check; specifically, the first three of these checks to Prof. Einstein (5 Haberland
St., Berlin), the fourth to Prof. N. van
(36 Nieuw Street, Leyden). The grant
mentioned under (3) may at first glance seem high; but it does not nearly meet the
most urgent needs; they mainly involve academics who despite self-sacrificing
work in their fatherland were recently expelled from Russia by the government,
some of them being scholars of merit. We request that you also inform the Infor-
mation Office for Russians Abroad in Bern of this communication, which was the
subject of discussion at our meetings; we unfortunately do not have their address
In great respect,
A. Einstein
P. Ehrenfest
338. From Auguste Piccard[1]
Brussels, 14 Ernestine Avenue, 16 October 1924
Highly esteemed Professor,
Thank you very much for yesterday’s letter. I just wanted to write you how far I
have come along, up to now. It is a matter of testing whether the electrostatically
measured ratio between a proton and an electron really is exactly equal to unity, or
whether a systematic difference may exist at the 18th digit after the decimal
If one poses the question this way, the impression one gains is that the
measurement cannot be entirely
As chance would have it, though, I man-
aged to reach the seventeenth decimal point quite easily; but then come the sources
of error, which have precisely the order of magnitude of your effect. A first exper-
iment already even gave me, at a precision of 30%, the value of 0.1 stat. units
of air. In order to avoid various sources of error, however, I had to rebuild
the apparatus. That is why I have not come very much farther along and today can-
not say anything, either for or against the new theory. Now, to something about my
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C U M E N T 3 3 8 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 4 3 4 1
2) Financial aid to (13) students of the “Union of Jewish Student Associations in
800 marks
3) For (23) teaching faculty at the “Russian Scientific Institute in
6,800 marks
4) For Russian students in Holland 200 Dutch guilders.
We request that the Secretariat see to it that each of these four entries be remitted
by check; specifically, the first three of these checks to Prof. Einstein (5 Haberland
St., Berlin), the fourth to Prof. N. van
(36 Nieuw Street, Leyden). The grant
mentioned under (3) may at first glance seem high; but it does not nearly meet the
most urgent needs; they mainly involve academics who despite self-sacrificing
work in their fatherland were recently expelled from Russia by the government,
some of them being scholars of merit. We request that you also inform the Infor-
mation Office for Russians Abroad in Bern of this communication, which was the
subject of discussion at our meetings; we unfortunately do not have their address
In great respect,
A. Einstein
P. Ehrenfest
338. From Auguste Piccard[1]
Brussels, 14 Ernestine Avenue, 16 October 1924
Highly esteemed Professor,
Thank you very much for yesterday’s letter. I just wanted to write you how far I
have come along, up to now. It is a matter of testing whether the electrostatically
measured ratio between a proton and an electron really is exactly equal to unity, or
whether a systematic difference may exist at the 18th digit after the decimal
If one poses the question this way, the impression one gains is that the
measurement cannot be entirely
As chance would have it, though, I man-
aged to reach the seventeenth decimal point quite easily; but then come the sources
of error, which have precisely the order of magnitude of your effect. A first exper-
iment already even gave me, at a precision of 30%, the value of 0.1 stat. units
of air. In order to avoid various sources of error, however, I had to rebuild
the apparatus. That is why I have not come very much farther along and today can-
not say anything, either for or against the new theory. Now, to something about my

