D O C U M E N T S 5 8 , 5 9 J U N E 1 9 2 3 5 7
58. To Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein
[Berlin,] 9 June 1923
Dear Children,
The vacation time is approaching now. I guess we’ll go to Lautrach around Au-
gust 6th, because Tete first has to take a cure with
We’ll stay there until
around the 20th, that is, for as long as Tete has vacation. Then I’d like to go with
you, dear Albert, to Kiel, where you can study very peacefully.
really appreciate it and all of you can hardly imagine how pretty it is there. I sent
out Fr 45 for all of you long ago to Albert
where it is ready for the prepay-
ment. So if your business is delayed it’s not because of me. The rest of the N. P. is
already in New York and is being excellently
I’ll explain it all later to
you exactly, dear Albert. I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing both of you and re-
gret that we aren’t going to be able to be together so entirely undisturbed in Lau-
trach as elsewhere. But the people there in Lautrach are very interesting, too. I’ll
let you know more details about our meeting later, but I have to know when and
where Tete is available, which determines everything.
Warm greetings to both you boys from your
I’m going to Kiel at the end of June and then to Sweden for about a
only write to me in Berlin; that’s the safest. Write again soon about the house and
consult with an expert, also with Albert Karr.
59. To Paul Ehrenfest
[Berlin, between 9 and 23 June
Dear Ehrenfest,
Don’t be angry that I still haven’t written you. Nothing will come of the vacation
trip with Albert; Albert wrote me such a rude and ugly letter at the time of the ar-
rangements for the N. Pr. that I cannot meet him this
Tete must be in need
of a spa cure because his glands aren’t in order. Under the prevailing conditions it
is questionable whether I could spend some time together with him because there
are also difficulties with
The more good-natured one is, the worse the re-
taliation, even from those closest to one. I’m going to Kiel on the 26th or 27th and
from there to
Then I’m back again in the middle of July. Wouldn’t
you like to come sometime then?