D O C U M E N T 1 1 8 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 3 1 1 5
118. To Elsa Einstein
[Kiel,] Sunday [16 September
Dear Else,
Many thanks also to Ilse for the passport and letter. So, after these two really re-
laxing and harmonious weeks, it’s onwards to Bonn today,
We spent a large
part of the daytime on the water and utilized the glorious weather. I’m glad that you
now have a proper maid and otherwise feel well. I’m very sorry for Ilse. Hopefully
she feels better
Best of thanks to her for the passport. I’m not enjoying go-
ing to Bonn, but I can’t leave those people in the
On the 25th I’m traveling
to Leyden and returning to Berlin again about Oct.
Then I’m supposed to
be going to Moscow with Arco but won’t do
I’ll make do with wishing him
lots of fun in writing
I spoke with the practical Mrs.
so she can
organize my “housekeeping” here more efficiently. She was glad about that and
promised to do so. Albert is very able and kindhearted, but somewhat vehement and
lacking in sensitivity. In any case, all of you have nothing to fear from him; I feel
sure about
He only thinks about engines, sailboats, excursions, and such
things. Even scientific things are too delicate for him; and he doesn’t puzzle about
human feelings at all. I’m leaving my violin and the music paraphernalia here and
going to ask the
to have the violin brought over to us at the next oppor-
tunity. It can’t be taken along to Holland anyway. My nerves have become much
stronger from this stay here through the fresh air and physical activity. I didn’t get
much opportunity to think. I’m pleased not to have seen the many visitors and am
grateful that you kept them away from here. The financial calamity now seems to
be at its pinnacle; in one year it will surely look better. It does seem to me, though,
that even our dear Hilferding isn’t doing the right
In any case, I advise you
to hide your silver well, in case a search will be conducted for it. Perhaps it would
be advantageous if I stayed away a long time because of the valuta business. It
would be good if all of you used up the Czech crowns at the
since what-
ever the state gets down its gullet is irrevocably ruined.
Fond greetings to all from