1 7 6 D O C U M E N T 1 7 6 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3
176. To Elsa Einstein
[Leyden,] 11 December 1923
Dear Else,
I hope all is in order over there despite the silence from all of you. My trip home-
ward is being delayed a little more, now, because I still have to deliver a talk in
Eindhoven on the 21st at the incandescent lamp
I did this because I want
to enter into closer relations with those people. A few days ago I sent the main re-
sult of my stay here to Planck in the form of a paper for the
The day
after tomorrow is the business in
Prior to that I am going to get ac-
quainted with your friend
I am leading a very comfortable and pleasant
life; I have also come into closer contact with the research students now, through
courses and working together. It is quite nice here in Holland; and I could arrange
it quite well, if things can’t go on in Berlin. Without strong reasons, however, I
wouldn’t leave Berlin. I promised as much to Planck. It is high time that I came
home, if only (apart from home sickness) for the sake of the laundry and Dr. Mark,
who hasn’t given a single sign of
I am reading together with de Ridder and
Mrs. Ehrenfest an albeit unkind but very interesting book about Japan, which is
called Kimono and is forbidden in
You must make an effort to procure it
for yourself, too; but it probably doesn’t exist in German translation; the original is
in English. Ehrenfest has already written so enormously much during the
that I am now acutely aware of my total pitifulness as a husband; but I do feel quite
comfortable as is. The salaries here got into the newspapers; nebbish compared to
German civil servants. Thus no great leaps are to be made. The Reich chancellor
doesn’t get nearly as much as I did, earlier, quite disregarding the problematic na-
ture of the gold
Warm greetings now to all, from your
I am therefore probably coming home on the 22nd.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

1 7 6 D O C U M E N T 1 7 6 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 3
176. To Elsa Einstein
[Leyden,] 11 December 1923
Dear Else,
I hope all is in order over there despite the silence from all of you. My trip home-
ward is being delayed a little more, now, because I still have to deliver a talk in
Eindhoven on the 21st at the incandescent lamp
I did this because I want
to enter into closer relations with those people. A few days ago I sent the main re-
sult of my stay here to Planck in the form of a paper for the
The day
after tomorrow is the business in
Prior to that I am going to get ac-
quainted with your friend
I am leading a very comfortable and pleasant
life; I have also come into closer contact with the research students now, through
courses and working together. It is quite nice here in Holland; and I could arrange
it quite well, if things can’t go on in Berlin. Without strong reasons, however, I
wouldn’t leave Berlin. I promised as much to Planck. It is high time that I came
home, if only (apart from home sickness) for the sake of the laundry and Dr. Mark,
who hasn’t given a single sign of
I am reading together with de Ridder and
Mrs. Ehrenfest an albeit unkind but very interesting book about Japan, which is
called Kimono and is forbidden in
You must make an effort to procure it
for yourself, too; but it probably doesn’t exist in German translation; the original is
in English. Ehrenfest has already written so enormously much during the
that I am now acutely aware of my total pitifulness as a husband; but I do feel quite
comfortable as is. The salaries here got into the newspapers; nebbish compared to
German civil servants. Thus no great leaps are to be made. The Reich chancellor
doesn’t get nearly as much as I did, earlier, quite disregarding the problematic na-
ture of the gold
Warm greetings now to all, from your
I am therefore probably coming home on the 22nd.

