4 7 8 D O C U M E N T 4 8 2 M A Y 1 9 2 5
doctrine. If one is careful of the truth, if it is practical to draw from a statement all
possible consequences and thereby check the “truths,” pragmatism offers us no new
means by which to choose or to judge. Furthermore, one observes that the defini-
tion of the pragmatism of truth is insufficient, because it does not define the mean-
ing of the word “consequences” (which ought to be “practical”). If one tries to fol-
low up from this point of view, then one easily perceives that the principal difficulty
that is encountered, if one wants to define the truth, is not resolved—not even
touched—by the pragmatist theory. I am very sorry that I no longer have the possi-
bility to address all these questions with you in person because of numerous social
demands. I greet you with all my heart.
A. Einstein
P. S. Excuse the horrible French. But I believe that you prefer it to a letter in
P. S. I think that the concept of “truth” cannot be addressed separately from the
problem of
481. “Physics and the Essence of Things”
[Einstein 1925q]
Published 3 May 1925
In: La Prensa, 3 May 1925
[See documentary edition for English text.]
482. To Paul Ehrenfest
[Rio de Janeiro,] 5 May
Dear Ehrenfests,
I’ve been roaming about on this hemisphere as a traveler in relativity for two
months already.[2] Here it’s a true paradise and a cheerful mixture of little folks. On
the 12th I’m homeward bound again.