2 8 D O C U M E N T 2 3 M A Y 1 9 2 3
And now, I heartily welcome you back to Leyden. I hope to see you Monday and
then to hear that you as well as your esteemed wife have withstood the strain of the
long journeys well, with their many new impressions.
Finally, an invitation. On Saturday, 12 May, middle of the day, at half past three,
the annual meeting of the Dutch scientific society in Haarlem, of which you are a
is taking place; and it would be a great honor for the president
and a special pleasure if you would attend this meeting and take part in the banquet
that follows. I have already spoken about this with
and, if you would
like to grant us the pleasure of coming, then naturally one of the Leyden members
will gladly accompany you. We can discuss this on Monday.
I would appreciate receiving your reply to this invitation, if possible, during the
course of this week. With cordial regards, yours truly,
H. A. Lorentz.
You will be able to return to Leyden very easily in the evening after the meal.
23. To Mileva Einstein-Maric[1]
Leyden, 2 May 1923
Dear Mileva,
I’m very pleased about the detailed letters from all of you but not quite reassured
about the N[obel]
But don’t worry, I’ll arrange it the way you want, ¢but²
make you aware of the difficulties only as a consultant.
I How much is the capital tax for 170,000
If the money is under my name, it costs no capital
By assigning it over to
your name, your income is therefore reduced by that much.
II Very much depends on proper management. I have very good connections for
that, whereas I don’t know whether Mr.
gives impartial advice regarding
the investment and whether he is clever enough to give good advice.
has offered to take the management in hand through his confidential agents abroad.
It is too bad that you don’t have any friend over there who knows anything about
financial matters. Eugen Grossmann appears most sensible to me in this regard. I
think he wouldn’t advise you to assume the amount in your name, rather immedi-
ately to secure the full sum legally, along with the interest, in the event of my death
(when he learns that the N. Pr. is also freed of special tax levies in Germany).
In August I must go to Lautrach with the children to see
He would
be quite insulted if they didn’t come, and the catering there is splendid. When does