I N D E X 1 0 5 5 Rothschild, Edmond de, invites AE for dinner, 896a Rothschild, James Armand de (1878–1957), 74, 890a member of BOGHU, 74 Rotten, Elisabeth, invites AE to join patrons of Internationaler Arbeitskreis für Erneuerung der Erziehung in Germany, 907a Rottenburg, solicits opinion on Becker, 925a Rouse Ball lectures, AE invited to deliver, 890a declines, 891a Rowohlt, Ernst, 146n Royal Astronomical Society, awards AE gold medal, xli AE thanks, 913a Eddington congratulates, 318 Einstein, Eduard, congratulates, 334 Royal Dutch Academy, candidates for member- ship in, AE on, 339–340 Ehrenfest on, 336– 337 Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, honor- ary membership for AE, 914a AE on, 401 Royal Society, awards AE Copley Medal, xli, Jeans on, 183, 890a, 895a Rubens, Heinrich (1865–1922), 203n Ruffini, Francesco, 309n Ruge, Ludwig (1879–1964), 77, 881a, 882a Rupp, Emil (1898–1979), 388n, 403, 451, 458, 514, 561, 601, 622, 928a collaboration with AE, lxxiii–lxxvi Doppler shift, on compensation of, 928a on Lenard’s outbursts against AE, 928a light, experiment on nature of emission of, lxxiv, xxxix, 379, 394–395, 427, 449–451, 457, 470, 475–476, 482–484, 491–492, 493, 504–505, 506, 511, 610, 615, 626– 627, 922a, 923a, 973 AE proposes, 506 confirms wave theory, 508 Laue doubts, 508, 524 publications, AE on, 941a Rupp 1926b, manuscript of, 474, 564 AE on, 514 Ruppin, Arthur, lxxvii AE on meeting with in Je- rusalem, 869a Ruppin, Hanna, 869a Russia, AE on Jewish colonization in, 969 Rutherford, Ernest (1871–1937), 570 Sacco, Nicola (1891–1927), 801–802 Sacco and Vanzetti, AE opposes execution of, lxxiii Sacher, proposed member of BOGHU, 907a Sagnac, George, experiment, lxiv Metz on, 283 Salaman, Myer Head (1902–1994), 570, 577 Ehrenfest, on, 577 Salaman, Nina Ruth Davis (1877–1925), 577 Salaman, Redcliffe Nathan(1874–1955), 577 Salaman-Polianowsky, Esther (1900–1995), 180 AE calls confidence trickster, 575 recom- mends to Weizmann, 180, 577, 578 Ehrenfest on, 570, 577–578 Kohn solicits information on, 889a Sallai, Imre, 879a Salten, Felix, 146n Samuel, Herbert (1870–1963) invited in BOGHU, 180, 890a Kohn solicits signature on document for, 889a Rosenbloom advisory committee, member of, 914a Sandler, Abraham, 883a Sandler, Dr., H. Makower forwards AE’s letter to, 955a Sanielevici, Simion (1870–1963), 942a Sard, Frederick, Newton bicentenary in U.S., in- vites AE to serve as president of advisory board of, solicits contribution, 935a AE de- clines, 935a Sauerwein, Jules, 902a Sauter, Joseph (1871–1961), 44, 664 Savart, F., on musical instruments, 887a Scarlatti, Domenico (1685–1757), AE on, 326 Schalit, Tuvia, solicits foreword to his book, 942a AE provides, 649–651 Schäppi, Paul Theodor (1867–1968), 510, 922a Schaxel, Julius, 361 on AE not visiting Russia, 880a Gumbel AE intervenes with for, 920a assists with position, housing in Moscow for, 872a, 81a solicits recommendation to, 871a AE on favorable reply of, 872a Scheel, Karl, solicits opinion on manuscript by Manev, 941a Scheel, Otto (1876–1954), on article on exclu- sion of German academies from Conseil in- ternational de recherches, 713 AE on, 714 Scheler, Max, 901a Scheps, Schmul Wolf, builds perpetuum mobile, 913a