I N D E X 6 7 9
Treaty on, 143
Pohl, Robert (1884–1976): 269n, 291, 317, 569c;
requests KWIP funds for research on photo-
electricity and X-rays, 559c, granted 560c,
Pohle, Ludwig (1869–1926), 45n
Poincaré, Henri (1854–1912): xli; electron model
of, 264; hypotheses in science, 52n; lectures
on cosmogonic hypotheses, 467n; memorial
volume of Acta Mathematica, 308, 611c; on
geometry, 52
Pol, Balthasar van der (1889–1959): xxxv, 167n;
transmits news of eclipse results, 186
Poland: and postwar relief, 204; anti-Semitism,
Polányi, Michael (1891–1976): xlix; on rotation-
al energy of gas molecules, 438–439; on sta-
bility of diatomic molecules, 459
Political prisoners, AE’s advocacy for release of,
Politiken, 584c
Politischer Rat geistiger Arbeiter, spring 1919
appeal of, 106n
Pólya, Georg (1887–1985), 192
Popper-Lynkeus, Josef (1838–1921), 420n, 506,
Popper-Lynkeus-Spende, 420
Positivism: 52n; idealistic, 43
Potsdam Observatory. See Astrophysical Obser-
vatory, Potsdam
Prager Tagblatt, 323, 597c
Prague: AE on his time in, 222; Fanta salon,
223n; German University. See German Uni-
versity of Prague
Pringsheim, Ernst, 248
Prinz, Heinrich, 607c
Private commission to investigate German war
crimes: 42, 120–121, 231; AE joins, 135,
561c; helped by Lorentz, 57; Lorentz on, 53;
members, 42; purpose, 57–58. See also Lille
Probability, in statistical mechanics, 290
Probability calculus, foundations of, 275
Prometheus, and popular science publications,
Protestant Synod of Berlin, 448, 467
Proust, Marcel, 392n
Prussian Academy of Sciences (PAW), page
limit for publications, 39, 40n, 46, 56n, 276.
See also EINSTEIN,
Prussian Ministry of Education, and Geodetic In-
stitute, 191
Prussian Ministry of the Interior, and Geodetic
Institute, 191
Prussian state, funding for general relativity re-
search, 274
Prussian State Assembly, and Deutscher Schutz-
bund für die Grenz- und Auslandsdeutschen,
Publilius Syrus, 168n
Publishers: Barth, 290, 554c, 577c, 578c, 588c,
589c, 602c, 607c, 608c, 610c; De Gruyter,
590c, 596c; Gauthier-Villars, 499; Hermann,
609c; Hirzel, 354n; Methuen: 526, 598c,
599c, 603c, 605c, 613c, 614c, 615c, proposes
English edition of AE’s popular book on rel-
ativity, 261, proposes English edition of col-
lection of AE’s articles, 406–407; Oxford
University Press, 328n; Springer, 309, 371,
614c, 615c; Teubner, 554c, 577c, 578c, 588c,
589c, 591c, 610c; Verlag Naturwissen-
schaften, 603c; Vieweg, 309, 319, 354n,
576c, 577c, 581c, 582c, 590c, 592c, 594c,
597c, 598c, 599c, 602c, 603c, 605c, 606c,
611c, 613c, 614c, 615c; Wostok, 610c
Pulsack, Elise: 226; dispute on room for Pauline
Einstein, 274
Pusch, L., 294n
Quakers: Eddington and Ludlam as, 378n; op-
pose isolation of German scientists, 378n; re-
lief work in Germany, 139n, 253n, 496n
Quantum theory, 318; AE dissatisfied with, 84–
85; rotational energy of gas molecules,
Polányi on, 438–439; theoretical foundation
of chemical constant, vapor pressure constant
and Nernst’s theorem, 471; weights of quan-
tum states, 467. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT:
SCIENCE: Quantum theory; Unified field theory
Quartz spectrograph, funded by KWIP, 613c
Quaternions, 375
Rabel, Gabriele, requests KWIP funds for diffu-
sion pump, 581c, rejected, 583c
Radbruch, Gustav (1878–1949), 33
Rade, Martin (1857–1940), 55n
Radek (Sobelsohn), Karl (1885–1939), 387
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