380 BIOGRAPHIES Einstein, Maria (Maya or Maja) See Winteler-Einstein, Maria (Maya or Maja). Einstein, Pauline b. 8 February 1858 in Cannstatt, Württemberg d. 20 February 1920 in Berlin Einstein's mother. Daughter of grain merchant and court provisioner Julius Koch. 8 August 1876, married Hermann Einstein. 1876-1880, lived in Ulm. 14 March 1879, son Albert born. 1880-1894, lived in Munich. 18 November 1881, daughter Maria (Maya or Maja) born. 1894-1895, lived in Milan. 1895-1896, lived in Pavia. 1896-1902, lived in Milan. 1900-1902, vehemently opposed, together with husband, Einstein's proposed marriage to Mileva Maric. 10 October 1902, husband died. 1903, moved to Hechingen, Würt- temberg, to live with sister Fanny and her husband Rudolf Einstein. 1910, moved with them to Berlin. 1911, housekeeper in Heilbronn, Württemberg. Ca. 1914, joined widowed brother Jacob in Berlin. During World War I, underwent operation for abdominal cancer. 1918, recurrence of cancer while visiting Maja and Paul Winteler in Lucerne. 1919-1920, lived with Albert Einstein and his second wife Elsa in Berlin. Sources: Excerpt from Family Register of Cannstatt Hermann Einstein, Munich registration forms, GyM-Ar correspondence with Jost Winteler, Sz, Wint. Korr. correspondence with Einstein and Maja Winteler-Einstein. Einstein-Maric, Mileva b. 19 December 1875 in Titel, Hungary (now Yugoslavia) d. 4 August 1948 in Zurich Einstein's first wife. Daughter of a middle-level official in Hungarian admini- strative service. 1882, began school in Ruma. 1886-1887, attended Serbian girls' school in Novi Sad. 1887-1890, attended secondary school in Sremska Mitrovica. 1890, entered fifth class of Gymnasium in Sabac, Serbia. 1892- 1894, private pupil in sixth class of all-male Obergymnasium in Zagreb. 1894, received permission to attend regular physics classes there. 1894-1896, at- tended Höhere Töchterschule in Zurich. 1896, received Matura summer semester, studied medicine at University of Zurich. 1896-1897, studied physics at ETH, Section VI A, where she met Einstein. 1897-1898, winter semester, audited courses in physics and mathematics at University of Heidelberg. April 1898, resumed studies at ETH, Section VI A. 1898-1899, winter semester, romance with Einstein began. 1900, attempted unsuccessfully to obtain the