Volume 1: The Early Years, 1879-1902

Volume 1: The Early Years, 1879-1902
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This volume is available in hardcover at http://press.princeton.edu/titles/2515.html.
Table of Contents
Volume 1: The Early Years, 1879-1902
- Publisher's Foreword xi11
- List of Texts xv15
- List of Illustrations xxi21
- General Introduction xxvii27
- Editorial Method xxx30
- Introduction to Volume 1 xxxv35
- Acknowledgments xlii42
- List of Location Symbols xlv45
- List of Descriptive Symbols xlvii47
- "Albert Einstein-Beitrag für sein Lebensbild" (Excerpt) by Maja Winteler-Einstein xlviii48
- Map lxviii68
- TEXTS lxvii67
- 1. Birth Certificate 169
- 2. Pauline Einstein to Fanny Einstein 371
- 3. Comment on the Proof of a Theorem 371
- 4. Two Philosophical Comments 472
- 5. On the Investigation of the State of the Ether in a Magnetic Field 674
- 6. To Caesar Koch 977
- 7. Albin Herzog to Gustav Maier 1280
- 8. Entrance Report of the Gewerbeschule, Aargau Kantonsschule 1381
- 9. Gustav Maier to Jost Winteler 1482
- 10. Aargau Kantonsschule Record 1583
- 11. Hermann Einstein to Jost Winteler 1785
- 12. Minutes of the Teachers' Conference, Aargau Kantonsschule 1886
- 13. Jost Winteler to Gustav Maier 1886
- 14. Hermann Einstein to Jost Winteler 1987
- 15. Pauline Einstein to the Winteler Family 1987
- 16. Release from Württemberg Citizenship 2088
- 17. Inspector's Report on a Music Examination, Aargau Kantonsschule 2189
- 18. To Marie Winteler, with a Postscript by Pauline Einstein 2189
- 19. Final Grades, Aargau Kantonsschule 2391
- 20. To the Department of Education, Canton of Aargau 2593
- 21. Matura Examination (A) German: "Synopsis of Goethe's Götz von Berlichingen" 2593
- 22. Matura Examination (B) French: "My Future Plans" 2896
- 23. Matura Examination (C) Geometry 2997
- 24. Matura Examination (D) Physics: "Tangent Galvanometer and Galvanometer" 32100
- 25. Matura Examination (E) Natural History: "Evidence of the Earlier Glaciation of Our Country" 35103
- 26. Matura Examination (F) Algebra 39107
- 27. Matura Examination (G) Chemistry 41109
- 28. ETH Record and Grade Transcript 45113
- 29. From Marie Winteler 50118
- 30. From Marie Winteler 52120
- 31. Pauline Einstein to Marie Winteler 53121
- 32. Pauline Einstein to Marie Winteler 54122
- 33. Statement of a Fine 54122
- 34. To Pauline Winteler 55123
- 35. To Pauline Winteler 57125
- 36. From Mileva Maric 58126
- 37. H. F. Weber's Lectures on Physics 63131
- 38. To Maja Einstein 211279
- 39. To Mileva Maric 211279
- 40. To Mileva Maric 213281
- 41. To Mileva Maric 213281
- 42. Jerome Franel to Hermann Bleuler 214282
- 43. To Mileva Maric 215283
- 44. To Maja Einstein 215283
- 45. To Mileva Maric 215283
- 46. To Rosa Winteler 217285
- 47. To Rosa Winteler 218286
- 48. To Julia Niggli 218286
- 49. Verse in the Album of Anna Schmid 220288
- 50. To Mileva Maric 220288
- 51. To Julia Niggli 221289
- 52. To Mileva Maric 225293
- 53. From Mileva Maric 228296
- 54. To Mileva Maric 229297
- 55. To Julia Niggli 231299
- 56. To Pauline Winteler 232300
- 57. To Mileva Maric 233301
- 58. To Mileva Maric 237305
- 59. Municipal Certificate of Residence and Good Conduct 241309
- 60. To the Swiss Federal Council 242310
- 61. From Mileva Maric 242310
- 62. To the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs 243311
- 63. Mileva Maric to Helene Kaufler 243311
- 64. Mileva Maric to Helene Kaufler 244312
- 65. To the Zurich City Council 245313
- 66. Municipal Police Detective's Report 246314
- 67. Adolf Hurwitz to Hermann Bleuler 247315
- 68. To Mileva Maric 248316
- 69. To Mileva Maric 249317
- 70. To Mileva Maric 251319
- 71. To Mileva Maric 252320
- 72. To Mileva Maric 254322
- 73. To Mileva Maric 255323
- 74. To Mileva Maric 257325
- 75. To Mileva Maric 259327
- 76. To Mileva Maric 261329
- 77. To Adolf Hurwitz 263331
- 78. To Adolf Hurwitz 264332
- 79. To Mileva Maric 266334
- 80. Mileva Maric to Helene Kaufler 268336
- 81. To Helene Kaufler 268336
- 82. Questionnaire for Municipal Citizenship Applicants 269337
- 83. Mileva Maric to Helene Savic, with a Postscript by Einstein 270338
- 84. Minutes of the Municipal Naturalization Commission of Zurich 271339
- 85. Mileva Marie to Helene Savic 272340
- 86. To Helene Savic 274342
- 87. Mileva Maric to Helene Savic, with a Postscript by Einstein 274342
- 88. Report of the Schweizerisches Informationsbureau 275343
- 89. Dedication to Friedrich Mühlberg 276344
- 90. To Otto Wiener 277345
- 91. Military Service Book 277345
- 92. To Wilhelm Ostwald 278346
- 93. To Mileva Maric 279347
- 94. To Mileva Maric 281349
- 95. To Wilhelm Ostwald 284352
- 96. To Mileva Maric 284352
- 97. To Mileva Maric 286354
- 98. To Heike Kamerlingh Onnes 288356
- 99. Hermann Einstein to Wilhelm Ostwald 289357
- 100. To Marcel Grossmann 290358
- 101. To Mileva Maric 291359
- 102. To Mileva Maric 293361
- 103. From Mileva Maric 295363
- 104. To Alfred Stern 296364
- 105. From Mileva Maric 297365
- 106. To Mileva Maric 298366
- 107. To Mileva Maric 300368
- 108. From Mileva Maric 301369
- 109. Mileva Maric to Helene Savic 301369
- 110. To Mileva Maric 303371
- 111. To Mileva Maric 304372
- 112. To Mileva Maric 306374
- 113. To the Director's Office, Technikum Burgdorf 307375
- 114. To Mileva Maric 308376
- 115. To Jost Winteler 309377
- 116. From Mileva Maric 310378
- 117. To the Department of Education, Canton of Bern 311379
- 118. From the Department of Internal Affairs, Canton of Bern 312380
- 119. To Mileva Maric 312380
- 120. From the Department of Internal Affairs, Canton of Bern 313381
- 121. From Mileva Maric 313381
- 122. To Marcel Grossmann 315383
- 123. From Mileva Maric 316384
- 124. From Mileva Maric 317385
- 125. Mileva Maric to Helene Savic 319387
- 126. To Mileva Maric 320388
- 127. To Mileva Maric 322390
- 128. To Mileva Maric 325393
- 129. To the Swiss Patent Office 327395
- 130. To Mileva Maric 328396
- 131. To Mileva Maric 329397
- 132. Receipt for the Return of Doctoral Fees 331399
- 133. To Conrad Habicht 331399
- 134. To Mileva Maric 332400
- 135. Advertisement for Private Lessons 334402
- 136. To Mileva Maric 334402
- 137. To Mileva Maric 335403
- 138. Pauline Einstein to Pauline Winteler 336404
- 139. To Conrad Habicht 337405
- 140. The Swiss Department of Justice to the Swiss Federal Council 338406
- 141. From the Swiss Department of Justice 339407
- 142. From the Swiss Patent Office 340408
- A. Munich Volksschule, Curriculum 341409
- B. Luitpold-Gymnasium, Curriculum 346414
- C. ETH Entrance Examination, Required Topics 356424
- D. Aargau Kantonsschule, Curriculum 359427
- E. ETH, Einstein's Curriculum 362430
- Chronology, March 1879-June 1902 370438
- Biographies 378446
- Literature Cited 391459
- Index 409477