1 0 3 6 I N D E X Hungarian socialist party, AE protests against in- carceration of members of, 885a Hungary, workers arrested in, 888a Hurst, H. E., 916a Hurwitz, Ida (1864–1951), 48, 887a, 919 Hurwitz, Lisbeth (1894–1983), 48 Hymans, Paul, 959a ICIC, xl, lxx 6th session Bárány proposes international university, AE endorses, 83–84 Bergson on, 871a 7th session, AE on, 298, 308 8th session, 909a on International Bureau of Meteorology, 536–538 national committees, AE on relation with, 931a on world synchronization, 536–538 9th session AE invited to, 957a will participate, 960a program of, Oprescu on, 913a administrative help, Benda recommends, 886a AE does not like it, 102 bibliography of economic sciences Luchaire on committee on, 932a session on, 877a subcommittee, AE participates in, 399n British member, Murray, 113n Casares, Julio, new member of, 927a Commission of Arts and Letters, on exchange of stamps and their exhibition, 940a, 941a AE on, 941a creation of, 658 departments, 659 French and German “worlds” in, AE enjoys impartially, 86 French influence on, too strong, AE on, 112 International Bureau of Meteorology participation in, 883a report on, 531–534, 929a session on, 373 AE cannot participate in, 371, 373 AE invited to, 909a, 912a AE participates in, 399, 400 task of, AE on, 931a International Mining Institute, Krahmann pro- poses to, 937a invites AE to meeting of IIIC board of direc- tors, 920a Krüss, AE’s representative at, 954a Oprescu on, 955a low efficiency of AE on, 112 non-French members of request contribution of League of Nations to IIIC, 932a plight for academic workers in Europe, solu- tion of proposed by Steinig, 942a, 949a, 958a president of, Lorentz elected as, 298, 303n Quevedo leaves, 927a replacement of members, Oprescu on, 915a representative of China at, proposed, 933a sessions stupid and boring, AE on, 298 subcommittee on youth education, AE propos- es Alberini as member of, 917a, 918a unification of scientific terminology, AE on, 876a U.S. member, Millikan, 113n Ideal gas, lxxxiii, 183n, 188n, 315n, 413n, 444n, 656n Ehrenfest on wave mechanics of, 727–728 IG Farbenindustrie AE lectures at, 326, 327, 341, 903a AE’s verse on visit to, 356 invites AE to lecture, 907a job for Hans Albert Einstein at, AE on, 341 sends AE cigars and cigarillos, 912a tobacco test station of, 912a IIIC, 533 AE on, 304–306 AE’s article on, honorarium for, 907a Bergson on, 68–69, 871a board of directors Krüss, AE proposes as his representative at, 954a, 955a meeting of 1925 October 9–16, Lorentz on, 161 meeting of 1926 March 25, Oprescu on, 908a meeting of 1926 May 20, AE cannot partic- ipate in, 474 Oprescu on, 923a AE in- vited to, 920a meeting of 1926 October 30, agenda of, Oprescu sends, 937a Oprescu on, 935a meeting of 1927 January 30, Oprescu on, 945a meeting of 1927 March 26, Krüss on, 958a Krüss represents AE at, 955a Oprescu on, 954a