I N D E X 1 0 3 5 Hellmann, Erwin, AE asked for help on position for, 933a Hellpach, Willy (1877–1958), AE intervenes for Gumbel with, 33–34 Helmholtz, Hermann von, 934a Henriot, Émile (1884–1961), 151, 152 Héon, Mlle, solicits help in resurrecting Dr. Hen- lin, 902a Herbers, Hein (1895–1968), lxx AE criticizes style of book by, 771 solicits help to appeal verdict, 771, 953a Hercules constellation, solar system motion toward, lxiii Hergesell, Hugo (1859–1938), 762, 879a, 951a Herglotz, Gustav (1881–1953), xliv, 741 on Einstein and Grommer 1927, xlix, 732 gives galleys of Einstein and Grommer 1927 to Weyl, 732 help in calculations, Ehrenfest on his, 821 Herrick, Myron T. (1854–1929), 802 Herriot, Edouard, 554, 904a Herschel, William, lxiii Hertz, Gustav (1887–1975), 816, 973 Hertz, Joseph (1872–1945), 818 AE solicits support to Eastern European Jewish students from, 882a BOGHU, proposed as member of, 907a Herzl, Theodor (1860–1904), AE on, 358 Herzfeld, Karl (1892–1978), 557 Herzfeld 1926, AE praises, 703 Kaluza, AE recommends to liv, 703 offers AE professorship at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 899a AE declines, 703, 961a Herzog, Wilhelm, 361 Hesse, Hermann, 146n Hettner, Gerhard, collaborates with AE on radi- ometer effect, 29 Heusler, Otto, invites AE to lecture at Deutscher Alpenverein Berlin, 879a Hiam, Thomas A. (1883–1936), 545 Hidden variable theories, xcv Hilbert, David, 282, 290n, 416n, 425n, 695n, 697n, 909a on play by Hedwig Born, 947a Hiller, Kurt, 146n, 361 Himmer, Maximilian Vitalis (1871–1936), 617n Himstedt, Franz, 883a Hirsch, Julius, 923a on position for Koigen, 923a, 925a Hirsch, Max, on structure of electron, 927a Hirsch, Siegfried, speaker at Keren Hayesod rally, 359n Hirschfeld, Magnus, 554, 638n Hobson, Richmond P., invites AE in committee of World Conference on Narcotic Education, 933a Hochheim, Ernst, on Tomaschek’s repeating Miller’s experiment, 905a Hodson, Thomas C., 265n, 271n on English translation of Doc. 147, 908a, 911a, 913a solicits articles for Encyclopædia Britannica, 880a, 886a, 899a Hoelz, Max, appeal against life sentence of, Ap- fel on, 944a Hoesch, Leopold von (1881–1936), 298 Høffding, Harald (1843–1931), 237 Hoffmann, Ernst, music and relativity, discus- sion with AE on, 903a Hoffmann, Gerhard, requests KWIP funds for re- search of cosmic rays and ionization, 906a Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 146n, 881a Holborn, Ludwig (1860–1926), 369–370 Holitscher, Arthur, 496, 497n, 554, 555n, 582n, 948a Holländisches Verkehrsbüro, 924a Holst, Gilles (1886–1968), 337 AE’s opinion on, 339 Ehrenfest on, 337 Holst, H., requests KWIP funds for research on torsion cables, 883a Laue declines, 883a Hornbostel, Johannes von, on unified field theo- ry, 946a Horovitz, Josef (1874–1931), 206, 819 pro- posed as member of BOGHU, 907a Huch, Otto, solicits AE’s opinion on his consid- erations on relativity, 950a AE declines, 950a Hufnagel, Leon (1893–1933) Oppenheim recommends, 958a solicits position at Hebrew University, 958a AE supports, 826 Landau on, 961a Oppenheim against, 958a Huguenin, Gustav (1840–1920), Zangger on, 223 Humbert, Pierre M., 905a Hund, Friedrich (1896–1997), 71
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