C A L E N D A R 1 9 1 9 5 5 3
February 10 4-page ALS from Hermann Fricke. Referring to a letter of
27 March 1918 from Einstein, discusses his own thesis on
proportionality of gravity of celestial bodies to their surface
temperature, and quotes a sentence from Einstein’s letter,
saying, “Eine Energieabgabe der Himmelskörper, welche
dem Produkt aus Oberfläche und absoluter Temperatur der
letzteren proportional ist, erscheint nach allem was wir wis-
sen, völlig ausgeschlossen.” Proposes a personal meeting
with Einstein. A note at the bottom of the last page in Ilse
Einstein’s hand reads “Unbeantwortet.” For prehistory, see
Vol. 8, entries of 18 February and 15 March 1918 in Calen-
dar. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 2, Mappe
Fricke. [78 034].
Harry Count Kessler mentions Einstein’s name among the
persons to be invited into a “Fabian Society,” a society “zum
Zwecke, Menschen von geistiger Bedeutung, die durch die
Ereignisse ihre Orientierung verloren haben, durch Diskus-
sionen und möglichst objektive Untersuchungen wieder zu
einer fest fundierten Haltung in politischen, wirtschaftli-
chen, ethischen Dingen zu verhelfen.” Provenance: Kessler
1961, p. 125. [80 392].
February 11 Friedrich Ebert elected Reichspräsident.
February 14 Divorce from Mileva.
February 17 The Philosophical Faculty II of the University of Zurich
proposes to the Department of Education, Canton of Zurich,
that Einstein be invited to hold 24-hour course on theoreti-
cal physics in summer semester of 1919. Provenance:
SzZU, ABF, Einstein, Lehraufträge 1918–19. [70 477.1].
February 19 1-page ALS from Wilhelm von Siemens in Berlin. Cover
letter to account statements of Mendelssohn & Co. for the
period April–December 1918. Provenance: GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe Mendelssohn. [77 877].
February 21 Kurt Eisner, USPD prime minister of Bavaria, is assassi-
before February 23 Returns from Switzerland.
February 23 Meeting in home of Leopold Landau with others to discuss
founding of an “Akademie für die Wissenschaft des
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