6 6 2 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): SCIENCE (cont.)
energy of gas molecules, interested in,
Radiometer, on Westphal’s theory of,
176n. See also Radiometer
Relativity, general theory of:
anomalous dispersion in solar atmo-
sphere, as cause of light deflection,
272, of sunspots, 272
attempts at modifying, xl–xli
cosmological problem, xli, 293
cosmological term, empirically not
justified, 117
ether, and physical space, 232, 482–
geodetic precession, 483
globular clusters, calculations of aver-
age stellar masses in, 336
gravitational redshift: confident in ex-
istence of, 27, 342, 498; on confir-
mation of, 353; cosmological prob-
lem, 293; Freundlich’s results on,
27; optimistic about, 118, 419
Klein’s paper, 35, 36
light deflection, on Emden’s manu-
script on light refraction as cause
of, 309
Mach’s principle, doubts in, 233
mass density, of universe, non-zero
average of, 267
matter density, finite, as leading to
finite universe, 403
Palatini, on article by, 361
physical laws, on transfer from rest to
moving systems of, 376
rotating disk, on paradox of, 135–137,
Serini, on paper by, 393
space, prefers spherical to elliptical, 37
stars, molecular weight of, 13
universe, on spatially closed, 233
Relativity, special theory of: discusses
with Guillaume, 379, 418–419, 430–
432; on models of relativistic effects,
Relativity, theory of, on historical devel-
opment of, 267
Schrödinger, Erwin, mastery of general
relativity by, 298
Scientific literature, proposes exchange of
German and foreign, 514
Statistical mechanics, on Mises’s paper,
Subelectron, problematic nature of, 7,
Thirring, Hans, mastery of general relativ-
ity, 298
Unified field theory: attempts at, l–li; dis-
pute with Weyl, planned, 8n, 552c;
gravitational field, in constitution of
matter, xl–xli, 16, 28, 35–36, 85n, 87,
155; on Kaluza’s theory, 39, 56, 65–
67; on Weyl’s theory, 39, 80, 89, 112,
118, 268, 293, 305, 403, 452; quantum
structure from overdetermination, 387,
403, 458, 460, 498; quantum problem
and relativity, 403, 460, 498
Weyl, Space-Time-Matter, proposes
French edition of, 536
FOR: Dehlin-
ger, 386; Ehrenhaft, 365, 396–397, 400;
Epstein, 339, 344, 353, 457, 498; Franck,
368; Freundlich, 158, 274; Kammerer,
449, 451, 512; Marx, 349; Petzoldt, 116;
Ratnowsky, 344; Rausch von Trauben-
berg, 291–292; Reichenbach, 132; Scher-
rer, 487; Schlick, 280, 449, 450, 451;
Schubert-Soldern, 522
Einstein, Carl (1885–1940), 307n
Einstein, Edith (1888–1960): 47, 129, 192; doc-
toral dissertation of, 49, 132; on theory of ra-
diometer effect, 47–48
Einstein, Eduard (1910–1965): xxx, 89, 235,
294n, 303, 486, 512; birthday, 90; expenses
for sanatorium in Aegeri, 306; in Rhein-
felden, 131; in sanatorium in Aegeri, 270,
338, 495; in sanatorium in Arosa, 3; music
for, 271, 339; provisions in Divorce Decree,
9; schooling of, 496n; weak health of, 4n,
452, 512, 530
Einstein, Elsa (1876–1936): 4n, 5n, 11n, 30n,
65n, 91n, 92n, 107n, 109, 120n, 130n, 132,
168, 219, 221, 226n, 248, 288, 290n, 294n,
302n, 304n, 351, 360n, 414, 442, 457, 524n,
572c, 573c, 595c; accompanies AE to Kiel,
613c; condolences to Ida Hurwitz, 242n; cor-
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