6 8 4 I N D E X
Springer publishing house. See Publishers
St. John, Charles E. (1857–1935), xxxviii–xxxix,
xl, 87, 112, 244, 325n, 330, 355, 401, 479,
St. Matthew Passion by J. S. Bach, 503
Stab-in-the-back legend, 583n
Stark effect: 405; Epstein on, 339. See also Spec-
tral lines
Stark, Johannes (1874–1957): 31, 149n, 150n,
249n, 366, 367n, 581c; Nobel prize to, 308n
Starke, H., requests KWIP funds for research on
high-frequency resonance in iron-containing
circuits, 557c, rejected, 561c
Static solutions with non-zero electric potentials,
missing in Weyl’s theory, 268, 293
Staudinger, Franz (1859–1921), 94
Staudinger, Hermann, 12n
Steidler, W., 192
Steinhardt, Alfred (?), 129
Steinhardt, Alice (1893–1975), 129
Steinhardt, S. Ogden (1882?–1965), 129, 147
Steinman, D. B., 608c, 612c
Steinmann, Georg (1856–1929), 72n
Steinmann, Rudolf, 149n, 150n
Stellar mass, average in globular clusters, 336
Stellar theory, of Eddington, 13
Stenström, Karl (1891–?), 217
Stern, Alfred, 4n
Stern, Otto (1888–1969): xlix, 75, 388, 390n,
439n, 464, 472n, 571c, 582c; appointed to
University of Frankfurt, 460; visits AE, 142
Steubing, Walter: xlviii, 337, 570c, 571c, 575c,
576c, 577c, 579c, 598c, 608c; requests KWIP
funds for research on influence of magnetic
field on spectral lines, 557c, granted 560c,
Stevin, Simon, 502
Stöcker, Helene (1869–1943): xliv, 34n, 43n, 71;
solicits AE’s signature to April 1919 appeal,
Stodola, Aurel (1859–1942): 27; on union of Ba-
varia and Austria, 92
Stoll, Eugen, 192
Strauss, Richard (1864–1929), 350n
Strikes: in Berlin, 87n; in Germany, 20n, 106
Strindberg, August (1849–1912): Rausch, 142;
Traumspiel, 142; Das Blaubuch, 206
Struck, Hermann (1876–1944): 193, 572c, 581c;
etching of AE, 360n, 524n, 592c
Struve, Hermann (1854–-1920), 275n, 360n,
573c, 593c
Studentenvereinigung für künstlerische Kultur
an der Universität Berlin, 179
Study, Eduard (1862–1930): 51, 149, 150n; on
AE as positivist, 71; on Als-Ob philosophy,
43–44; on axiomatics, 71; on geometry, 52;
on positivists, 71–72
Stumpf, Carl (1848–1936): 127, congratulates
AE, 579c, 581c; on chain of physical-
psychological causes, 261
Stumpf, Felix, 598c
Suarès, André, 323n
Subelectron, AE on, 7, 367–368
Sudermann, Hermann (1857–1928), co-author of
Manifesto “An die Kulturwelt,” 121
Superconductivity, Ehrenfest on ignorance
about, 504
Sussmann, 558c
Svedberg, The (1884–1971): 299; on weekly Fo-
rum, 285; solicits article from AE, 285, 300
Swabia. See Schwaben
Swarzenski, Georg, 537n, 611c, 612c
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), re-
forms at, 28
Swiss Natural Science Society, meeting in
Lugano, 152
Switzerland: debate over constitution, 189; fear
of Bolshevism, AE on, 306; Haber on, 125;
insularity, AE on, 93; relief efforts, 205n;
riots in, 79
Syria, 197n
Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, 213n
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861–1941), on national-
ism, 237, 322
Tank, Franz (1890–1981), 382, 405
Tassel, Emile, 54
Täubler, Eugen (1879–1953), 169n, 434n
Technion, Haifa, 153n
Teddy. See Einstein, Eduard
Tete. See Einstein, Eduard
Teubner publishing house. See Publishers
Teweles, Heinrich (1856–1927), 323
Thirring, Gretl (1897–?), 211n
Thirring, Hans (1888–1976): xlix, 75, 250, 252,
399; AE on, 298; congratulates AE, 21; re-
search on crystals, 210
Thoma, Hans, 350n
Thomson, J. J. (1856–1940), 33n
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