xvi LIST OF TEXTS 20. To the Department of Education, Canton of Aargau, 7 September 1896 25 21. Matura Examination (A) German: "Synopsis of Goethe's Götz von Berlichingen," 18 September 1896 25 22. Matura Examination (B) French: "My Future Plans," 18 September 1896 28 23. Matura Examination (C) Geometry, 19 September 1896 29 24. Matura Examination (D) Physics: "Tangent Galvanometer and Galvanometer," 19 September 1896 32 25. Matura Examination (E) Natural History: "Evidence of the Earlier Glaciation of Our Country," 21 September 1896 35 26. Matura Examination (F) Algebra, 21 September 1896 39 27. Matura Examination (G) Chemistry, 21 September 1896 41 Editorial Note: The Swiss Federal Polytechnical School (ETH) 43 28. ETH Record and Grade Transcript, 5-10 October 1896- 2 August 1900 45 29. From Marie Winteler, 4-25 November 1896 50 30. From Marie Winteler, 30 November 1896 52 31. Pauline Einstein to Marie Winteler, 13 December 1896 53 32. Pauline Einstein to Marie Winteler, 24 March 1897 54 33. Statement of a Fine, 23-28 April 1897 54 34. To Pauline Winteler, May? 1897 55 35. To Pauline Winteler, 7 June 1897 57 36. From Mileva Maric, after 20 October 1897 58 Editorial Note: Einstein as a Student of Physics, and His Notes on H. F. Weber's Course 60 37. H. F. Weber's Lectures on Physics, ca. December 1897-ca. June 1898 63 38. To Maja Einstein, 1898 211 To Mileva Maric, 2 January 1898 [envelope only] 211 39. To Mileva Maric, 16 February 1898 211 40. To Mileva Maric, 16 April-8 November 1898 213 41. To Mileva Maric, after 16 April 1898 213 42. Jerome Franel to Hermann Bleuler, 21 October 1898 214 43. To Mileva Maric, after 28 November 1898 215