ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xliii The staff of the ETH Library gave unstinting aid in locating numerous docu- ments in their archives and answered many questions regarding the school, its students, and its teachers. We thank the former Director of the Library, Dr. Jean-Pierre Sydler, and Dr. Beat Glaus and Clemente Rigassi of the Wissenschaftshistorische Sammlungen. We also thank Gottfried Räber of the ETH Rektoratsarchiv, and Walter Oetiker and Ernst Schenk of the Schulratsarchiv, located at the ETH. Dr. Salvatore Antoci of Pavia, Evelyn Einstein of Berkeley, Dr. Eugen Widmer of Aarau, Dr. Robert Wyler of the manuscript department of the Schweizerische Landesbibliothek in Bern, and Prof. Werner G. Zimmermann of the Stadtarchiv in Zurich are singled out for their help in obtaining material and needed information from Italian, American, and Swiss sources. The illustrations for Docs. 24 and 25 were provided by the Staatsarchiv des Kantons Aargau. Those for Doc. 37 were reproduced by Israel Weiser, Reprographic Service, Jewish National and University Library. Eliza MaClen- nen, Boston University Cartographer designed the Map, and the Index was prepared with the help of Margaret Studier. Our research was also aided by numerous additional archives and ar- chivists, libraries and librarians, Einstein scholars and other interested per- sons in Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, the United States, and Yugoslavia. Although they are not listed here by name, this in no way dimin- ishes our sincere appreciation for their assistance. We thank Dr. Harry Woolf and the staff of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for their generous hospitality during the first phase of this project. We are grateful to Herbert S. Bailey, Jr., and the staff of Princeton University Press, who provided excellent facilities when more space was needed. President John R. Silber and Vice President Edwin A. Penn of Boston University facilitated the transition to our present home, and we thank them and the University staff. During the preparatory stages of this project, Frances Blasky, Alice Cala- price, Prof. Peter Galison, and Edith Laznovsky worked with the Editor on the creation of the duplicate Einstein Archive and the preparation of a com- puterized Control Index. We thank Prof. Frank Calaprice for kindly allowing us to use the computer system of the Princeton University Cyclotron Labo- ratory. Robert J. Stachel prepared the initial computer program, and Dr. Richard Kouzes of the Cyclotron Laboratory was of great help in making the program compatible with the Laboratory's computer system and in super- vising the preparation of magnetic tapes and printouts.