CONTENTS Publisher's Foreword xi List of Texts xv List of Illustrations xxi INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL General Introduction xxvii Editorial Method xxx Introduction to Volume 1 xxxv Acknowledgments xlii List of Location Symbols xlv List of Descriptive Symbols xlvii "Albert Einstein-Beitrag für sein Lebensbild" (Excerpt) by Maja Winteler-Einstein xlviii Map 2 TEXTS 1 APPENDIXES A. Munich Volksschule, Curriculum 341 B. Luitpold-Gymnasium, Curriculum 346 C. ETH Entrance Examination, Required Topics 356 D. Aargau Kantonsschule, Curriculum 359 E. ETH, Einstein's Curriculum 362 Chronology, March 1879-June 1902 370 Biographies 378 Literature Cited 390 Index 409