I N D E X 9 5 3 on relativity, 230–231 on theory of Eddington, 232–233 on theory of Weyl, 232–233 Langevin-Desfosses, Emma (1874–?), 254, 283n Langwerth von Simmern, Ernst, 586n invites Einsteins to reception and lunch in Madrid, 829a Lapicque, Louis, 796a Laplace, Pierre Simon de, Zangger on, 114 Laplace equation, 883 Larmor, Joseph, 229, 232 Larmor rotation, 441 Lassaleta i Perrin, Bernat, 583n, 584n Lattice theory, Born on, 290–291 Laub, Jakob, 703n Laue, Max von (1879–1960), xxxvii, lii, lix, 91, 157, 290, 305, 469, 592n, 597n, 784a, 804a, 805a, 808a on AE’s experiment on nature of light, 91, 104n, 109, 125–129 on AE’s Nobel Prize, 516 Bohr, proposes as corresponding member of PAW, 141n canal ray experiment, 93 GDNÄ, centenary meeting of, substitutes for AE in lecturing at, 392, 397, 403 KWIP funds for Kallmann and Knipping, 811a for Kohn, 805a substitutes as director of KWIP, 403, 404 on threats against AE’s life, 397 wild political climate, 397 Lautrach, 60n, 412, 415n, 750 renovation of, 475 Lavoisier, Antoine, 380 Laws of nature in agreement with relativity theory, 854 condition of covariance added in relativity, 883 covariant formulation of, 525 expressed without using geometry, 638 perhaps not expressible as differential equa- tions, 533 Lawson, Robert, 624 Le Bon, Gustave (1841–1931), 256, 312, 369, 408, 817a on Germans neglecting achievements of for- eigners, 340, 422 AE on, 370 mass-energy equivalence, on priority in dis- covery of, 256, 312, 340, 380, 382, 394– 395, 422 Le Bourgeois, Ferdinand, on AE’s joining Com- mittee on Intellectual Cooperation, 812a Le Figaro, interview with AE, AE on, 120 An- schütz on, 131 Le Roy, Edouard (1870–1954), 846 on AE’s and Bergson’s concept of time, 239 Lederer, Emil (1882–1939), 144 Lehmann-Russbüldt, Otto, 338 Leibniz Medal, Haensch, proposed for, 137–138 Lémeray, Ernest, 796a Lenard, Philipp (1862–1947), 391, 407 60th anniversary of, 59 AE on, 75 Gradenwitz on, 385 Lenard-Festschrift, invitations to contribute to, 59, 75 Length, natural unit, 435 Length contraction, 877 Lenin, Vladimir I., lvii Lenz, Wilhelm (1888–1957), 94n, 291 Leon, Xavier (1868–1935), 8 invites AE to Société française de philosophie, 197, 228, 794a on precedents of theory of relativity in France, 228–230 on universality of human intellect, 230 Leverrier, Urbain, 869, 884 Levi-Civita, Tullio (1873–1941), xxxiv, 706, 729, 730, 872, 887 AE solicits contribution to journal of Hebrew University from, 510 geometric interpretation of Christoffel sym- bols, 660 Levy, Paul (1886–1971), on equivalence of non- Euclidean geometry and Euclidean geometry with forces, 235 Licht, Hugo, 96n, 415 Lie, Sophus (1842–1899), 267 Gerhard Kow- alewski on, 410 Liebermann, Max, 821a Liebknecht, Karl, 494n Light constancy of velocity of, 855 as consequence of Maxwell theory, 875 Doi against, 318, 811a incompatible with classical addition theo- rem, 637 corpuscular theory of, 100
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