9 5 4 I N D E X diffraction of, Fraunhofer and Fresnel on, 126 emission of, 423, 848–852 by moving source, 203 impossibility of superluminous velocities em- pirically confirmed in electron theory, 878 light cone structure in Weyl’s theory, 661 mechanism of emission and absorption, 457 nature of AE on, 300–301 experiment on, xxxvi–xxxviii, 56, 56–57, 75, 90, 91, 92, 97–104, 106–108, 109, 117– 118, 120, 131, 134, 158, 188 calculation error in, 116, 305 negative result, 59, 76–77 Pringsheim on, 423–425 second proposal, 134 Sommerfeld on, 76–77 propagation of in dispersive media, 125–129 redshift, conference on, 132 theories of in graphic representation, 180 velocity of in coordinates, 427 measurement by Fizeau, 379 Sagnac, 379 Ritz on, 288–289 wave theory refuted, 60 wave theory, Hamilton on, 265 Light deflection and hole argument, 27 only half of correct value in 1911, 809a Light emission, theories of, 851 Light propagation, group velocity vs. phase ve- locity, 128 Light quantum, 459, 730 Ligue française pour la defense des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, 182, 332n, 349n invites Bund “Neues Vaterland,” 166 Ligue internationale des Femmes pour la Paix et la Liberté, Section française, invites AE to lecture, 137 Line element, in Eddington’s theory, 662 Lloyd George, David (1863–1945), 76, 156n Lod (Palestine), AE on, 561 Lodge, Oliver, 575n AE on, 575n Loeb, Jacques (1859–1924) on AE’s book, praises, 471, 495 invites AE to U.S., 495, 519 on limited audience for colloid chemistry in U.S., 495 on political tension in Germany, 495 AE on, 519 on protein molecule, 495 on U.S. help for German scientists, 495 AE on, 471, 519 Loebe, Paul, 349n Loeser, Alfred, 805a, 807a Loewe, Heinrich, 820a Lorente de Nó, 860, 875 Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1853–1928), xxxvi, 26, 32n, 145, 157, 173, 210n, 229, 294, 379, 464, 511n, 539, 592n, 748 AE pays visit to, 302 AE’s reading of in his path to relativity, 636 at California Institute of Technology, 132, 142, 177, 184, 267 electron theory of, 169, 637 Lorentz contraction as effect of distant masses, 436 in spherical space, 181 Lorentz force, 173 Lorentz transformations, 456, 877 Lorenz, Hans (1865–1940), 343 Loth, Joseph, 146n Löwe, Heinrich (1869–1951), 196, 208 Löwy, Heinrich (1884–?), on aerial prospecting for water and ore, 49 Lubman-Haviv, Avraham (1864–1951), 580n Ludendorff, Hans (1873–1941), 725, 791a, 829a member of Kuratorium of Einstein-Spende, 317n, 810n proposed as ordinary member of PAW, 790a, 791a Lüders, Heinrich (1869–1943) on AE’s German and Prussian citizenships, 719 AE denies both, 747 on AE’s professorial salary, 786a Ludwig, Emil, 794a Luggage, 826a, 829a, 830a Luke, Harry, 578n Lurie, Joseph, 582n Lusitania affair, Sommerfeld on, 76 Luxemburg, Rosa, 494n Maccabeans, AE honorary member, 788a Mach, Ernst (1838–1916), 248, 637, 638, 847, 870, 871, 884 and AE, 246–249 on inertia, 639 Mach principle, xlv, 524, 527