1 0 9 0 I N D E X structure of through measurement, 501 and time, Eberty on connection between, 96n Altmann on, 878a Spandau, on contract for summer house, 846a Specific heat, 566 cannot be explained by classical physics, 268 electronic, of metals, 590 of gases, measurements of, 846a of ideal gas, 506 rotational, of hydrogen, 860a of solids as important quantum problem, 424 work with Stern on, 113 Spectral lines, fine structure of, 986 Speyer, Carl (1877–1927), on teaching at He- brew University, 841a Spinning top. See Gyroscope Spranger, Eduard, 886a Springer, Ferdinand (1881–1965) editors of mathematics journals appreciate work of, 847a manuscript of Einstein 1925a for, 876a Springer Publishing House asked to remit payment for new piano, 894a on Einstein 1925a, 875a on royalties, 889a St. John, Charles (1857–1935), 511, 512, 863a on redshift, 296, 303 Stadler, August (1850–1910), lviii Stampe, Carl, 844a AE helps, 109 music teacher of Margot Einstein, 109 Stämpfli, Walter, 861a Stang, Fredrik (1867–1941), 777n Stark, Johannes on Aryan science, 471–472 on Hitler, 471–472 Stark effect, 335 Starkmeth, Isaac (1868–1938), 312 Statistics, 6 and Boltzmann’s distribution, 424 Bose-Einstein criticized by Ehrenfest, 629 Bose-Einstein vs. classical, 481 classical, 677 elementary hypothesis, 483 Stegemann, Helene, 814 Stein, Paul, solicits article on Jewish university, 839a Steiner, Elizabeth, AE on meeting with, 850a Steinhardt-Koch, Alice (1893–1975), 692 bids farewell to AE, 867a Winteler-Einstein, Maja on, 573 Steinig, Leon, 882a, 883a, 886a, 888a Jewish Students Relief, 896a Steinitz, Walter (1882–1963), 686 Stern, Otto (1888–1969), xliv AE proposes Nobel Prize for, 220 work on specific heat with AE, 113 Stern, Richard (1863–1938), 109 Stern, Semion, on Italian Red Cross help for Russian refugee intellectuals, 879a Stern-Gerlach experiment, AE on, xliv, 385 Stevens, Angus (1876–?), Mercury as cause of rotation of the Sun’s belts, 576, 883a Sthamer, Eduard, 839a on AE’s tax-exempt in- come, 898a Stintzing, Hugo (1888–1970), 319 Stirling’s theorem, 435, 663 Stockholms Enskilda Bank AE on money to Mileva from, 841a reports on Nobel Prize money, 843a Stodola, Aurel (1859–1942), 828a Stokes’s law, 460 Stokes’s rule, 393 Stolkind, Abram, 850a Stolten, Otto, 856a Stöve, Hermann (1860–1931), 331n Stöve-Wiebols, Margaretha (1862–1941), 331n Straubel, Rudolf, 554n Straus, Max (1876–1956), on AE’s invitation to Argentina, 224–225 Strauss, Richard, 865a Strelitz, Hugo (1866–?), on Stampe’s eviction from AE’s apartment, 109, 844a Stresemann, Gustav (1878–1929), appoints AE member of cultural advisory board of Aus- wärtiges Amt, 261 Strömberg, Gustaf, requests AE’s opinion on his papers, 857a Struck, Felix, 903a Struck, Hermann, 162, 903 gift for AE, 878a Struik, Dirk Jan (1894–2000), 291n and Bianchi identity, 291 Study, Eduard (1862–1930), requests personal meeting, 853a Stuhlsauth, Georg, 17n Stumpf, Felix, 845a AE’s help regarding tele- scope, 844a, 845a, 847a Stutzin, Joaquin J., invites AE to lecture in Ar- gentina, Brazil, and Chile, 855a Sublimation heat, 102
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